33 - 27-7=20?

409 28 0

"The night begins now!" Anko couldn't hold herself back. The kids were sent home safely after the dessert treats. Iruka, Ebisu, Genma and all the others were already inside the club.

"Are you going inside still wearing your kimono y/n?" Kurenai asked, as she opened her upper cardigan, revealing her fit. Anko did the same, so did the others.

"I forgot about the actual night out," I sheepishly smiled, looking at the long sleeves of my kimono. "That's too bad. Why don't you go and get something from the nearby stores? One at the end of Westside alley will be open," Anko suggested.

I hummed,"Sure," I shortly reply and waved at them as they head to the entrance. I turned on my heels and headed to the dress shop. I could just go back home and get dressed but Naruto would have insisted then to come along with me.

I stretched out, letting out a groan. I gently hit my shoulders, trying to get rid of the ache. I was into these parties and clubs but today, I was exceptionally tired and had zero energy to even attend.

The shop was nearby yet felt so far. I dragged my feet and somehow managed to reach the shop. "Welcome— oh y/n, long time no see," I smiled at Harashi as she leaned over the counter with a grin.

"Here to pick a quick outfit, you got anything comfortable to wear?" I asked, looking at the new collection she had put up on the display. "Looking at the time, you all are out for clubbing. Why want something comfortable?" She said, going throw her drawer to get the keys.

"I have zero energy to even move a limp let alone wear something for clubbing," She walked inside the shop, so did I, following her.

"What have you been doing all these months? you were a regular here, I had so many clothes to give to you. Got yourself a possessive boyfriend?" I softly laughed. She went through the hanged clothes as she spoke.

"Just taking a break from everything and focusing on my work and nephew. Though he doesn't need it anymore, he's all grown up now and lives all by himself. Maybe this month he's staying with me after his health complication came forward,"

"is it too bad?" She asked with concern. I shook my head,"Nothing serious. He needs a proper diet, that's it. He will probably leave this weekend and return to his own apartment,"

She hummed as a response. I looked around the shop and dresses. It's been a while since I got myself these type of outfits. I got used to getting myself hoodies and oversized tees.

"Try out these three," Harashi said, giving me the mysterious looking outfits. "black? really?"

"why? you always adored this colour. Try them!"

"I don't have much time," I said, looking at the dresses. I choose one from the three and headed to the changing room.

"nice one," Harashi said, making me smile.

After some minute, I walked out the changing room to meet Harashi humming to her favorite song. Her head turned, making her jaw drop.

"M-ma'am!.." She walked to me,"This was made for you," I smiled looking at the dress myself. It hugged my body just right, I couldn't agree less with her.

"This is a bit too much, don't you think-"

"You're meant to get overdressed! it's perfect. It's a special club night too, people are definitely wearing something similar like you there." She said, once again checking my dress out.

I walked to the front of the shop counter and went through my purse to get the wallet out. "Oh right! I almost forgot!" Harashi said, going to her drawer once again.

"See! I was right all along y/n," she said handing me a paper.

"what is it?" I said, looking at the text on the paper. The heading read,"Corrected dates and birth certificates of Konohagure,"

"What is this?" I asked.

"You won't remember but this happened when you were 6 years old, y/n,"

I went through the names and I found my name at the 23rd. There were some familiar names, along with Itachi's. I looked up at her with pure confusion.

"what do you mean?" I said, sitting down on the chair.

"You remember when we were talking about the real age of everyone and I stated about yours being 20 now? and you bluntly denied it," She reminded me of our months ago conversation.

"oh yeah.." I said, looking back at the paper.

"This is the corrected age and date of birth of you with many others. Konohama was going through a crisis of soldiers and needed reinforce during the third ninja war. They picked out the young skilled ninjas and you were one of them. Since there was an age limit, all the names listed here had to get their ages get increased by 7 years old," I got baffled by the information. No wonder, our team was formed after the end of Third Ninja War.

"How come I never realized?"

"Well the kids had to be told they were 7 years older. And now guess what? you were clubbing underaged for two years," Harashi said, laughing. I rubbed my temple and tried to join all the dots.

"So like I was crushing over my senpais and calling them by their names..that's embarrassing," I said, remembering all the things that had went down after the Third Ninja War.

"... why," I groaned in embarrassment.

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