57 - Seito's Identity (long chapter)

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"They're returning today? shouldn't they be resting for the night?" I spoke out, feeling overly stressed by the news of Kakashi and Gai returning today right after they were done with their work.

"That's on your caring man, he got on his way as soon as they were done. That's what it said in the report letter Gai sent. " Kurenai showed me the letter, smudged writing with anger and tiredness somewhat clear in the handwriting. I smiled as Kurenai put the letter onto the fire pit where it was asked to be taken care of.

"Why are you here? You can go into labour anytime now," She asked, ironically. "Who's speaking?" I asked, looking at her bump with a smile.

"Don't overwork, please?" I requested. Soft laughs came from her side as we sat and conversed for some more time. In the meantime, I got done with the thing that I had left unfinished. Kakashi would be so pissed if he found out about me still working in the academy despite being near my due date. But hey, I was bored with him gone for days now. I needed to get rid of my boredom.

"Do you remember the day? We were preparing for the banquet and a conversation rose about wanting kids and how Kakashi turned down the idea of having a kid? Look now," She said, taking a look at me with a smile.

Alot has changed, from not wanting one to being a father to someone else's child..how did this even happen? I grinned to myself which soon fell at the recall of my talk with Jiraiya-sama last day.

I , unexpectedly, sighed too loud for Kurenai to caught on. "What's up now?" She asked. I didn't feel like talking about it,"Just stressed about.." What should I say? "..motherhood," That sounds convincing.

"Oh boy, don't bring that up. I am gonna loose my mind too then," She said, putting down the last file and stretching out in her chair. I felt uneasy today, nothing seemed well even when everything was going alright.

"Can you open the windows?" I asked. She nodded while getting up and doing what I asked her to. Her eyes watched me being in complete discomfort, not wasting a second to come close to me.

"You seem uncomfortable, are you okay?" Her hands caressed my back as I slowly breath in and out. The pregnancy hormones were kicking in, I felt my heart wretch inside. What's this feeling? Before I could analyze my own feelings, I found myself tearing up.

"Hey hey, shhh.." Kurenai pulled me closer into her arms, I sobbed as my eyes were at this point bawling.

"He will be here soon. Don't cry," She said, meaning Kakashi.

"Kurenai.. I am sorry.. I am so sorry for deceiving you all.." I blurted out.

"Hmm?" She questioned, still caressing my back.

"I hate myself.." Silence but the strokes never stopped.

"What is it that's going on inside your head y/n? Are you okay?" I pulled away right then, harshly wiping the tears away, ready to speak up.

"Seito has nothing to do with Kakashi, Seito is.. Itachi's son and Kakashi wanted to step inside the picture, and.." I was too afraid to look up into her eyes, but this had to be done anytime sooner. "..he took all the responsibilities,"

My terrified heart took the courage to look up at her, seeing what was well expected. "..What.. wait, what are you saying..? What? no way that's..true, stop messing around y/n!" She said, getting a hold onto my arms. "It's not true..Seito is Kakashi's, right?" I moved her hands away slowly, as her mouth gaped.

"..how..did this even happen? y/n, why..? when did this all happen?" She asked, moving closer to me, genuinely wanting to know.

I took a deep breath, letting out the negative thoughts out. I need them to accept Seito for who he truly is. I need to let them know, who Seito really is.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now