06 - bonded well with kashi

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A tug made me turn to face him,"don't just walk past me when you know me," what a douche..

"Today you're wide awake and not sleeping on y/n!" I watched as Kakashi went to Naruto, eye smiling. "Are..you kashi? You have that weird white hair..the annoying and rude Kashi Nee-chan talked about! Yes!"

My mouth gapped, are they.. bickering?


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~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

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Third Person

The dusk was getting livelier in the market streets of Konoha. Kakashi and Naruto were asked to get some groceries then invite some guests over while she prepares for the tonight's feast along with Iruka.

But the weather over the two male seemed to be gloomy. None of them liked being there or wanted someone else to come with them rather than the one they were with. "Why are we here?"

"Don't ask me." Kakashi bluntly blurted, shifting his gaze away from the front to the items displayed. They walked for a good minute gradually walking out the business of the shops.

"Kakashi-san," Kakashi turned over to the call, stood a long pony tailed male. "Good evening," The man showed his respect, bowing slightly to Kakashi.

"Oh? Itaichi," His eyes fell upon the small figure, peering at the one standing beside him. "And Sasuke?" The little lad become alerted, politely greeting him.

"Meet Naruto," Kakashi said, eyeing down at the shy boy. "As in Naruto Uzumaki?" Itachi asked, Kakashi nodded with a hum.

"Oh right, I heard Y/n taking care of him now," (Itachi is the same age them but as Kakashi is senior to him in the ANBU, he addresses him with respect) He smiled at the tiny yellow head, lowering to meet his level. "Hey there," Itachi said with his endearing smile, winning the heart of Naruto with it.

"Sasuke, you can have a friend!" Itachi said, gesturing for them to introduce and talk. Itachi got up and faced Kakashi,"Are you free for the day?"

"I guess, why?"

"Y/n invited you over to join us tonight along with your brother, it's his birthday,"

"Oh! Happy birthday Naruto!" Itachi turned to look down at the two kids.

"Can you make it?" Kakashi asked in between. "Thank you Nee-chan!" Naruto said, to which Itachi smiled to reply.

"Just need to inform mom, or else she's going to freak out about Sasuke,"

"Alright then, see you in awhile." Kakashi took a look at the two kids conversing. "Naruto, we need to leave now." He frowned, biding his goodbye to Sasuke.

"It's okay naruto, we are going to come over," Itachi assured. Kakashi raised his eyebrow at the good-with-kids man.

"Teach me some day how to bear this little creatures," Itachi softly laughed at the remark Kakashi made before they part their ways.

"Okay then..we need all of this? it's going to take some time," Kakashi glanced at Naruto, continuing,"how about we go separate ways and purchase all these in a short time? That way I don't have to spend time with you no more!" Kakashi said, clapping in little.

Naruto pouted at his words, he still was enough young to not be able to acknowledge the talks and not to mention how sensitive he is too but Kakashi was far away from understanding.

"Fine! I was already hating your shadow! I don't like you Ni-chan!" He said, taking half of the list and money needed to purchase them. "Don't come crying if anyone says something," Kakashi reminded, trying to annoy him more.

"Don't worry about that!" Naruto huffed his way to the other way to the way Kakashi was about to head. Kakashi couldn't help but do something about letting Naruto go on his own. He sighed, summoning his ninken,"Kuchiyose no Jutsu,".

"Yo! Kakashi. Long time since you summoned," The miniature pug said, scratching the back of his with his hind leg. "Just follow Naruto," With that, Kakashi left for his way.

On the other hand Naruto walked through the road, in search of the convenient shop. Feeling low, he dragged himself infront of the shop he was looking for. He entered the shop, looking at the stuffs he was asked to get.

"Aren't you Naruto?" Naruto looked up at the bulky man as he stared down at him. "Why are you here?"

"I am getting-" with a rough push, Naruto slide against the rocky pathway of the store. "Demons like you aren't welcomed into my shop! How dare you enter?" The man said, making Naruto clench his fist.

"What's wrong with you? I was here to just buy something!"

"Huh? Did you raise your voice at me?!" Naruto stepped back, feeling an obstacle behind.

"Yeah, he did." The voice sounded familiar to the wounded boy. He looked up with welled up eyes, the male looked down. He saw his eyes softly turning into an upside down crescent moon shape.

"What am I supposed to do with you I wonder now for hurting my nephew?" Kakashi said, darting a cold-eyed stare. "I wonder what.." he repeated.


Kakashi watched as Naruto shyly walked hand in hand with him. "Why isn't the smile leaving Naruto's face may I ask?"

"I thought you didn't like me,"

"I don't like you," He quiet down and didn't answer, Kakashi continued,"but not as much to see you getting hurt," Naruto's heart felt the same fuzzy feeling he felt months ago with y/n.

Kakashi shortly took a glance at the boy he was holding hands with, smiling at the thought of finally being able to be okay with him beside.

Naruto's gazed seem to fell upon something in the distant, Kakashi followed. It was a father with his son, carrying him over his shoulder.

"Do you want me to--"

"Kakashi-san! Let me pick you up like that!"



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