02 - to home with you, naruto

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"Kakashi," I said, making him stop and stare at me as I continued,"I am taking Minato's son home, Naruto," His eyes softened and remained as an unreadable one.

"Uzumaki Naruto?"


~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

The longing feeling was over once I entered inside the playground along with the caretaker

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The longing feeling was over once I entered inside the playground along with the caretaker. Some of the kids stopped and stared at me as I walked passed them in search of my nephew. "There he is," She announced with a smile, which definitely seemed fake. I didn't bother to smile to that and went ahead to the boy.

I was confident just last night but it all fused away as I walked to the boy, making a mud castle. He noticed my presence and stared into my eyes with his bluey orbes. I looked beside him, a beautiful girl was playing with her.

"Emi, seems like you are going to a new home today," Naruto spoke out, sounding nor happy or sad. I slowly sat down and watched as the kids examine my face. I softly laughed, making Naruto go back to his work with red strips on his soft appearing cheeks.

His little hands carefully shaped the squared looking castle, I was too invested into it. "Do you need a helping hand?" I offered to the focused little architecture. "If you want to..you..can.." He said innocently, moving his hand away politely.

"Nee-chan! Will you play with us today?" The girl beside Naruto, whom I assume is Emi, asked me with a huge smile. "Yes! Play with my hair if you want that too!" I said, for that I saw her braiding her doll's hair. She chuckled, dusting her hands off before getting up. She walked somewhere off, making me take my attention back to Naruto.

"Are you here to take one of us, Nee-chan?" I fully sat on the ground, taking over the building process with him. I answered,"The one who will play with me the most and make me happy, I will take that baby with me to home," I said, shifting my gaze from the castle to him. He seemed troubled. He thought for some time before running back inside the orphanage,"WAIT FOR ME!"

He said, I waited. Emi came back to me with another girl. She introduced her to me,"She's Ayato! We will give you a pretty hairstyle Nee-chan!" The two girls said, visible sparkle and happiness filled eyes. My heart was moved, this is all it took to make them happy? I nodded,"Make me the prettiest woman to be present here," I said, all talking in excite with the kids.

"Okay!" They said, getting started. I felt their hands slide through my hair, will surely have tangled hair but definitely will be worth it. I went back to making the little house for Naruto. I took a stick that was beside and drew Naruto's face beside the house, writing his name down along with it.

I heard little runny footsteps advancing to where I was. I looked up and saw a paper cover my view,"A gift for you, Nee-chan," I took the scribbled paper, revealing a huffing Naruto. I looked at the drawing and it was a stick with baby pink dress with florals all over, assuming the dress was mine. He drew me.

I grinned at the drawing, glancing at the artist. "This is so beautiful Naruto! I love it!" He lit up, like literally lit up in the most adorable way. I heard giggles from him as he sat down infront of the house we built. I used my knuckle to caress his head, as my hand was almost entirely covered in mud.


After a long day of playing, the dusk crept along. I picked up the tired boy, he soundly slept in my arms. The moment I said he was coming home with me, he was in utterly shock which made me have trillions of heart attack. It was too cute for me to handle.

I took out my veil, putting it over him, Was he asleep? I soon realized how I forgot to bring his clothes, or even buy.  I mentally face palmed, looking around me for a quick cloth purchase. I frowned, maybe later?

I felt the sudden urge to turn around and look. Why? Don't know, just a feeling. I turned completely around, facing my brother's stone on the huge mountains. I stood there, as people passed by me. I felt my heart melt at this moment, finally standing infront of him with his son in my arms.

I stared at him, tears filling my eyes as I looked down at the boy in my arms. He slept soundly. I will surely take care of you-

"Add me too," My heart jumped at the sudden voice near my ear. I turned my head and sighed seeing Kakashi beside,"Add me too to your sight seeing in this busy street- wait what? Are you crying?" He asked, I looked away. He seemed to get the hint and didn't ask further,"What are you hiding here-" he took the veil up, stopping mid way.

He remained quiet, making me turn to face him, and see him staring at Naruto. His eyes met mine as he continued,"Looks exactly like sensei," he said, giving his signature eye smile. I followed his gaze, ending at a now slowly awaking baby Naruto. His eyes flutter opened, he rubbed.

"Are we home?" He asked through sleepy tone. "Almost there," I smiled, Kakashi still holding onto the veil."What's up with these flowers in your hair y/n," He said touching them. He felt a shoulder brush against his back, making him move closer and letting the passerby get more space to walk.

"Don't ask, it was long day there. But you know what? It was fun, let's visit the place once together to kill some time?" I faced him, flinching at the sudden closeness. He noticed, moving away. "N-no,"

"H-huh?" We both stuttered.

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