22 - goodbye for now

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-last chapter

"Itachi, come here! it feels awfully nice," I turned around to notice how close he already was. I felt a different chakra surrounding him now. He was tall enough to tower over me, I looked into his eyes. Sadness.

"Itachi..?" His head fell into my neck in an instant, he broke down making me freeze in my place. His body shook with uncontrollable sobs following out of his mouth. He was crying.. Itachi was crying..

- lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

He sat in silence across me, looking away to avoid my stare

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He sat in silence across me, looking away to avoid my stare. "Forget what you saw. A while ago," I saw a little shade of red hue covering his cheeks. His hair swayed sideways with the blowing wind.

Something must have made him feel exhausted all these days, it welled up and now he couldn't take it anymore and let it all out. "Oh come on, let me feel special." I said, softly laughing as he smiled turning his head to me.

"You were always special to me," I bat my eyes at his remark. His eyes left the redness of the cry awhile ago. I stared into his eyes, realizing how his sharingan is activated.

"why is your eyes not going back to normal?" I asked, his eyes hesitated and turned to somewhere else rather than my face.

He shot his head to his right suddenly, sighing softly. "I should get going, y/n," "is there some-...one.." The unknown male stared at us. Was he even a human? The tiny eyed male is what I am assuming asked Itachi,"Who's this female?" The blue skinned shark said, continuing,"also the new member wandering around would leave nothing but a bad impression, hope you don't want that?" I quickly turned to Itachi as he got up with his calmed closed eyes.

"Itachi..? what's going on?" I questioned, sitting there with a saddening ache in heart. "Do you know her?-" "Itachi! what's going on? who is this man? why are you here like this-"

"y/n!..y/n, you will know why I am here like this. You will know this man too." I quickly got up, hesitantly looking up and down the shark-like male,"don't you think he's..scary..?" I whispered to him, he laughed, gently flicking my forehead.

"I am even scarier than he is," His statement made me hit him slightly,"Oh look at you and then this ugly creatu-"

"excuse me yellow headed asshole, what did you just call me?" I glared and eye rolled at the small eyed shark, his presence gave me a bad impression on him.

"then, we will get going," I heard Itachi say to me, he continued,"I need to take care of some things. I guess it will be goodbye for now, y/n,"

"goodbye..?" He smiled.

"the next time I see you miss, you will be long gone," The annoying male threatened, thinking it might scare me. I couldn't help but scoff. "I wonder who will be dead the next time you two meet, Kisame," Itachi said, irritating the male.

"mate, did you just defend this lady? THIS EGG YOLK lady?" I touched my hair, pouting at how he poked right into my insecurity, my yellow hair.

"Kisame, you sure do talk alot for being a fish." Itachi retorted back instead of me. Kisame looked at Itachi with surprise, almost in disbelief. He walked away from us, leaving the two of us behind.

I felt torn, seeing his back as he left me here. I shouldn't feel bad but I was. I looked down on the verge of breaking down, I have gone mad surely.

A hand came in view, lifting my chin up. "you're a pretty daylily to me. Hide your hair or something, or else.." He ended the sentence with his old alluring smile instead of completing, the old chakra surrounded him once again.

Tears ran out frantically as he still held onto my chin, why am I crying now? I suddenly had no control over my emotions. My heart weeped along with me while my mind looked for answers in his eyes.

"Itachi.." A peck on the forehead made my eyes slowly close with a blurry vision infront,"...forgive me if you can.." I felt a comfort, falling into a deep, deep sleep.



"Itachi is on the run after assassinating his entire clan," My head couldn't wrap around what the backup ANBU informed us about. Itachi? How could he?

Gai was behind me as I hurried to reach out to Y/n as soon as possible. She was sick and Itachi is on the run, this two worried me so much. I couldn't help but overthink, hoping it's just some cow dung I was thinking of.

A little boy ran down the pathway caught our attention. We stopped and it was non other than Naruto. My heart clenched against my chest, please don't..

I didn't take time to think and went straight to him, holding him from running. "easy, easy." He flinched at the sudden appearance. Naruto stared into my eyes with tears in his, little snot coming out of his nose.

"Kakashi-san, y/n-san is lost.." He said, years streaming down his whiskers like mark. Exactly what I was afraid of..

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now