08 - festival night two

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"I-i.." Itachi stopped. "...what happened..?"

".....should I say..?"

"Oh come on Itachi!Tell me already," I said, tensing up.

"..my.." I didn't move away from where we are sitting and listened his hesitant words,"..lips may have touched..yours.."

-love life of Y/n Namikaze-

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

The walk to the festival didn't seem long beside him

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The walk to the festival didn't seem long beside him. Despite what had happened before, it was going fine. We entered into the mass shop area with different attractions to enjoy and entertain ourselves.

We first had to reach the meeting place where Shisui was supposed to be at with the kids by 6:30. "I just hope Naruto's not giving a hard time to Shisui," Itachi smiled at my words, assuring that he won't but only if he knew Naruto.

We noticed two kids with one balloon in their hands each. "Y/n- San!!" "Ni-san!" We both waved as a response to the call. "Y/n-san! We were in the middle of a match when Shisui ni-chan dragged us here," Naruto said in utter disappointment.

"Oh sorry, go on and have fun. But if you need money, know that I am here in the festival," I said to Naruto, he nodded.

"And Sasuke?" Itachi shifted his eye to the raven haired boy. Sasuke shook his head,"I am okay. We will go then Ni-san!"

"And what about you?" Itachi asked Shisui, he smiled. "Come with us-" "No no no! I am okay alone, maybe will go back home. I am just too drowsy after basically running behind them for the past two hours,"

"I am so sorry for-"

"It's okay y/n! I was the one who said I would take care of them! Please don't be sorry," Shisui retorted, assuring the sentence with his gentle smile. He continued,"Then, I will take my leave now. Make sure to have fun! Goodnight!"

We bid our greetings too and watched as Shisui got further away from us. I turned to the male beside,"what shall we do now?"

"Do you wanna play something or eat? I will take care of everything you do," He said, gesturing me to walk with him.

"But I was the one to offer-"

"I had the thought of going together before you, beat that," I chuckled with his way of winning. I looked around us and caught my first game of the night, shuttlecock. I knew how he would just turn it down so I dragged him along with me.


"Let's have a match! The loser have to treat us at Ichiraku!"

Third Person

"HAHA! Itachi you couldn't even hit!" Y/n said, as Itachi quietly walked upto her with a soft smile. "I know I know," He said in a calm tone. Y/n hit his shoulder lightly,"you remember the bet? No way to sneak out-" "I won't, I was going to pay for everything anyways. No matter what you would have said," Her eyes couldn't help but stare as her heart skipped a beat to the simple sentence

His eyes never left her gaze, he tilted his head to the right a little before eye smiling at her,"did I forgot to say you look exactly what I thought you would look like today? Just as beautiful I imagined," Itachi complimented, breaking free from the contact.

Y/n's face fell over a shade of embarrassment, hiding her face as she turned around from him. He doesn't even know what to say in some places, or was he aware of his words? She thought with her flushed cheeks. She touched them, feeling the heat they gave off, "Mmm.. let's go to some other place," she said, walking away from him as he followed with his pacific walk.

The festival worked as the trigger object for her to understand some things she never thought would have to understand. And for him, a way to express without even realizing. He was new to all the jumbled thoughts and feelings he was experiencing, he was handling them unexpectedly good.

He had the chance to but decided not to. For that he knew, she had nothing compared to him. Someone else may be in her heart that not even she knew. Or maybe he was going overboard with his thoughts.

She stared at all the fascinating view and allurements while his eyes was set all on her as if she was the main attraction of the dazzling night. She stopped mid way, turning around to him, he got caught off guard.

"You're too slow, come here I am waiting." She said, offering a nerve wrecking work for him to do. To walk beside her to which he couldn't turn down as if it was the order of the Hokage to him.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now