15 - at the Uchiha's

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"Then! Let's head to Ichiraku Ramen first, shall we Naruto?" Kakashi said, breaking the comfort silence, followed by Naruto's cheer. He couldn't help but sing on the rest of the way.

Kakashi joined in between with him, creating a song together. I softly chuckled, gaining in midst of the song some soft laughs back.

I noticed how visiting his old home today didn't make him leave with a quiet environment but singing in joy on his way back. I loved this better!

-love life of Y/n Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

I entered the restaurant to greet the waiter. I told her about the reservation at the private room and soon got escorted to it. It was Iruka's little promotion treat for everyone of us. I hope I am not late. I looked at the shoes that rested outside the room, Kakashi and Iruka?

"do you like her by any chance, kakashi?"


"yeah..do you?" I stood outside the curtain, concealing my chakra. Iruka inquired him about something even I wanted to know.

"well..I don't think. I don't like her or anyone in particular. I just want to focus on my orders and work for future. I haven't even thought about getting married," I heard him try to laugh. My hand dropped to the side as the eyes fell to the ground slowly.

"it seemed otherwise. You two got really close, like really," Iruka said again, I stood still and listened.

"I know. If you want answer to that closeness, I would say it's merely for sensei. He..was someone I can never forget and being surrounded by his blood, somehow makes me feel at ease. I can't sum up the feelings.." That's it. I have heard enough.

I wrote a little sorry note to Iruka and asked the waiter to hand them it before leaving. she politely took the paper as I smiled and left.

I got onto the busy streets, sighing,"it doesn't matter. it really doesn't, haha. you are overreacting y/n," I held onto my arms, making my way to pick Naruto up. I was going to pick him a little later but it won't matter if I go now right?

I entered the Uchiha clan and made my way to Itachi's. Some of the Uchihas seemed to recognize me, I greeted them while I passed. Some of them were closing their shops. I went on with the memory I had of the way to their home.

"this must be it.." i said to myself in a mumble. I knocked onto the door and it took some second for someone to answer. "thought you would come a little later. You were at the get together, weren't you?" I shrugged and he tilted his head a little before calling out for Sasuke and Naruto to come.

I avoided his stare and he seemed to notice the unsettling in my gaze. He didn't ask further and waited with me as the two came running only to frown at my presence.

"y/n-san? why you gotta come so early?" Naruto complained, coming towards the door and getting his shoes. "sorry.." I said softly, watching him wear his somewhat old shoes. Time to get some new ones on the way.

He waved goodbye to the sad Sasuke as we walked out the house. "do you want me walk you up to the entrance-" "sure." I smiled in tiny.

Sasuke seemed to get exhilarated for being able to spend some more time with Naruto. The two lock their hands together and went ahead of us. "don't run off like that you two- oh God," I sighed.

Itachi stood next to me as he wore his cardigan. "wanna say a tiny greeting to mom before we leave? she would love it,"

"what? uh-umm, I bought nothing with me. what should I uh, and you see those two? they are already gone," I tried to avoid the meet, I didn't want to ruin my first ever meet to happen when I was feeling so low.

Itachi calmly took a glance at me before turning his stare to be entirely on me,"it's okay, I won't pressure you to--"

"Itachi? OH! y/n, you're here!" our head turned to the front door of their house, Mikoto-san..

"good evening, I am sorry I am here empty handed," I apologized, turning my body entirely towards her as she walked to us.

She shook her head a no,"you being here is already enough! when was the last time you visited us hmm?" I sheepishly smiled, she continued," it was always Itachi taking those two to you. You should have come by often," She softly laughed with me, I felt at ease.

"since you're here, I am not letting you go so easily," She said, taking my hand. "huh- no no I mean-" "I am deaf suddenly," Itachi slightly smirked as he smiled,"I will bring those two back home,"

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