46 - At least he wants one.

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"We will head to the hall first then! You should take your time and come. No need to take part in the remaining arrangement," Anko said, as Kurenai put her shoes on.

"And, most importantly. If you feel extremely fatigued, call us and let us know. And don't force yourself to attend the banquet please," Kurenai ordered and reminded. I nodded obediently as i watched her unsure eyes. Anko took the queue and pushed her outside alongside her, waving me goodbye.

She pushed the door close for me as the lock inside clicked. I sighed, turning around to investigate the apartment even though there was nothing to look at. All i needed was a distraction to my jammed mind.

"You're not pregnant y/n," I said to myself, slapping my both cheeks to bring myself out of the messed up thoughts that has zero possibilities. At least to me.

I sat down on the floor, not wanting to get up any sooner. The hard floor stopped me from falling deeper into my mind, i needed this.

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke out, surprising me at the sudden arrival. I looked up, smiling,"Nothing," He sat down beside, humming.

"Quite a view i am seeing from here," He turned around to see me," did the view miss me?" He said, bringing his forehead and making mine and his meet. I close my eyes, slowly feeling the previous emptiness that i felt back in Tadashi's chamber.

I sighed, parting. He looked into my eyes, taking my hands in his. "Is something troubling you?" I looked down at our hands as they rested on his lap. He softly kissed my forehead, asking me again,"Is something troubling you, y/n?"

I need to know. "What do you think of having a baby?" He tilted his head, softly laughing," Why? do you want one?"

"No, i don't. At least... right now I don't but what do you think of it?" He stopped and stared at me for some time. I nervously stared back, as he smiled. Not wanting to make me lose my mind right now.

"A baby, my baby? Why wouldn't i love to have one around, I would love to." A relief came across me, my eyes spoke for me and he noticed.

"Were you worried that i would say no?" He asked, i did not answer.

"It's not like that,"

"Y/n, i would love to take responsibility that's for me to take. I can't wait to hear someone calling me 'father'. Thinking about it makes me feel different, so imagine how am i going to be like once i get a little combined figure of you and i." My heart fluttered at his words, showing the outburst of pink and reds on my cheeks.

He cuffed my cheeks, pulling my face closer to his, softly kissing my remaining worries away. "But to put first, i will forever keep you there. You will surely find me beside, and if you don't, wait for me to,"


A smack took me back to where i was standing,"Y/n, focus!" Aoba said with the rolled paper in his hand.

"Be gentle, she's still sick." Kakashi said from the side, taking the tray from my hand. "Why are you here now? You weren't expected here until past 12," He said sternly.

"I wanted to help.." I said, making him turn to look at me in almost disbelief,"....i am sorry," I apologized, standing beside him while he stared down at me.

"Look up y/n," I did. He watched my eyes, saying,"Go and take a seat there. Wait for me," He didn't say why and left with the flower tray. I dragged my feet across the other side of the room before pulling out a chair to sit on.

I rested my head on the table, regretting my choice to come here early. I should have stayed behind in my apartment, cuddling with Itachi. But he had to leave too, so i had no other choice anyways.

The chair beside got dragged out too, making me turn my head to check on who it was. Kakashi, with a bottle in his hand as he opened it and handed over to me. He gestured me to take it, which i did.

"What did the doctor say?" He asked, leaning his back on the chair.

"The results will be outed later in the evening," I replied, scanning the bottle. It was an electrolyte drink.

Is it okay to take it if i were a pregnant woman? "Does it have caffeine in it?"

He took a glance at the bottle in my hand before returning to my eyes,"Electrolytes don't have caffeine. Don't worry, it's safe to drink," He assured.

I took a quick sip of it, liking the taste of it way too much. I raised my eyebrows in delight, going in for another huge gulp. "Y/n, take me with you to get the results. Would you mind if i tagged along?"

"Will you?"

"If you want me to, then why not?"

"Won't you be tired?"

"That easily? I don't think so,"

I mouthed an 'Okay', turning back to the drink excitedly. It didn't have any special taste to it but whatever it was, i was wanting to go back again and again.

"Finally," Anko said, sighing and pulling out the chair beside, as usual, Kakashi. I rest down the bottle and watched the others take a seat one after another.

"I ain't getting up anymore, wake me up when it's all over," Genma said, resting his head down on the table.

"My overflowing strength is refusing me to take rest!" Gai said, making Aoba give him a side eye.

"Oh no, Kurenai we forgot the kid's drink!" Asuma recalled with annoyance that he has to get up again, making her realize too.

"Hey! Gai can do that—" Gai cut Aoba off.

"I will do that! Where's the place?!"

Aoba smirked, as he gave him the instructions, making the table laugh quietly. The bottle in my hand hit the bottom, making me frown on the inside. I caressed the name seal with my thumb, not paying much attention to the conversation that went on.

Kakashi took the bottle away from my hand, bringing yet another electrolyte out but this time the packet version of it. I turned at him, gawking with astonishment. Smiling, I took the straw in my mouth and enjoyed the drink once more.

"Well, kakashi seems like someone who would be ticked off by them," Hayate commented as he watched us. Izumo agreed with a restrained laugh.

"By them?" He questioned.

"Kids kids," Kurenai answered. I turned to him, watching him sigh.

"He at least wants one, no?" Anko said, hope clear in her eyes. I couldn't help but smirk as I looked down.

"Mmm, i don't think so. Kids are not something i would waste my time on truly. And on top, i don't see myself being a father figure any time sooner or later." He said, in quite an unusual tone. More like too committed to his words.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now