14 - quality time

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"...huuuh?" I looked at Naruto, he gave us a side eye. "Come here," Kakashi said, pulling him to the other side. "I hate hugs!" Naruto said, trying to pull away from Kakashi.

He stopped, calming down and giving in to the hug,"I guess one hug won't hurt," he said, looking away. Two of us fell into a soft laugh, Naruto joining in a second later.

-parenting and love life of Ms. Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

"Danzo has taken a liking on you, Itachi," The third turned to take a look at us

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"Danzo has taken a liking on you, Itachi," The third turned to take a look at us. "He wants you to go and work under his ANBUs," I was agitated by the offer made by the man who despise the way we work under Hiruzen, the third.

"I hope to work here for some more days..then," Itachi informed. I stood there beside him, unable to state my opinion. I can't. I don't want him to go under that man, in any way. He was never a good news.

"Do what pleases you, Itachi. You have grown enough to decide what side you want to take," With that, we were dismissed by the third. I looked over at Itachi as he walked infront, I can't change his mind. I know that for sure.

We walked out the building with no further conversation. I was overwhelmed with some sorta feelings, I can't ignore it. I will lose something, what is this feeling?

We both parted our ways, without a goodbye. It felt like the right thing to do. Why? Don't know. I took a deep breath in, letting it out again. "If it helps you grow, choose it." I said to myself, as if it Itachi who was listening.

"Here. You. Are," I felt a hand brush against the tip of my nose, making me look up. "Kakashi.."


"I feel exhausted," I said, going near him and resting my head on his chest.


"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto's laughter echoed into the house as I chuckled beside him. Kakashi didn't dare to laugh at Pakkun, knowing it would greatly upset him if he does.

"Kakashi?! What did you make me--" He looked at himself into the mirror and saw the dress up he was given. He freaked out as the other ninken joined in our laughter.

I looked at the other displayed options infront and took one out specific. "Pakkun, trust me with everything. You won't regret," I said, picking him up.

"...don't play dirty with me like Kakashi," I softly laughed, dressing him up. The others scanned themselves one by one wagging their tails, enjoying their new appearance.

Pakkun got off my lap and went to check out on his new outfit. He said nothing and walked away to rest. "What a sass," taking the clothes one by one, I folded them. Kakashi joined in.

Naruto laughed in the background while playing with kakashi's ninkens. The night became more chilled as we got done with our chore. "We should call it a day and leave for home?" Kakashi said, returning his dogs back to rest for the night.

"We are leaving?" Naruto said, entering the house. "Seems so," I said, looking around the now dust free house. We made a visit to Kakashi's old place where he lived with his father. He comes back here once in awhile to spend some time and clean it.

This is the 5th time of me coming here and helping him in the past few years. Maximum of the time I let him to be alone and feel the space he needs.

I closed the windows and got downstairs, Kakashi and Naruto were waiting at the entrance. I turned the last light off and walked out the house with them.

Naruto looked at the paddy fields at the front before his gaze turned away to chasing the fireflies. "Naruto! Don't run in the dark you will trip!" I informed, sighing as I watched him run about.

"Let's go, I am done here," Kakashi said, standing beside me and watching Naruto play. "Kids. Everything turns amusing to them,"

"Well, better than us. They're not like us, finding negativity in every place," I said. Naruto came running to us, having his hands closed together.

"Y/n-san! I caught one for you!" I lowered to his level and he looked at me with a pure smile before letting go of his hand cage. We watched the firefly flicker it's light, flying off with a lasting and brighter light.

We started to head back home. I walked with Kakashi as Naruto stayed between us. He didn't like physical affection so I didn't held onto his hand.

"Then! Let's head to Ichiraku Ramen first, shall we Naruto?" Kakashi said, breaking the comfort silence, followed by Naruto's cheer. He couldn't help but sing on the rest of the way.

Kakashi joined in between with him, creating a song together. I softly chuckled, gaining in midst of the song some soft laughs back.

I noticed how visiting his old home today didn't make him leave with a quiet environment but singing in joy on his way back. I loved this better!

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