21 - field of the dead flowers

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—last chapter

I massaged my neck and watched the two at the front walk in a really amusing way, I smiled at them. "let's go," Kakashi said, sliding his hand into mine and locked them. "I like this place better," i beamed at him. He turned his body to me, eye smiling,"same."

-parenting and lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

My entire body was burning with fever

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My entire body was burning with fever. Sweats and heat coming out of my body. Naruto sat beside me with a shadow of sadness around him. Kakashi held onto my hand and check the wet towel every now and then and cooled it down with the new water.

"I am holding you back..I am sorry," I said, coughing in between. His grip tightened. "why is the medication not working?" He said, clear concern in his voice. 

"y/n-san, I don't like seeing you this way," Naruto said in a coo, resting his head on my stomach as he stared into my eyes with his blue ones.

"I took the medication just a while ago baby. I will be back and healthy!" I said, caressing his cheeks with my warm finger tips.

"Kakashi.." Gai called out for him. "we need to leave for the auction now." Gai looked at me with saddened eyes. I was looking forward to this auction and some fights in between too but my fate had some other plans.

"fuck this auction.." I heard Kakashi whisper under his breathe. I slowly got up, Kakashi noticing and helping in the middle. I held onto his face, "Go, and return as soon as possible. Don't worry, you won't be a scumbag for leaving me sick here, it's a different case." I said with a soft laugh.

He put his hand behind my hand on his cheek, smiling,"Just wait for me..please.."


"y/n-san? are you alright?" Naruto asked with a panicked tome. I was worrying him so much for nothing, he's just a kid and it's normal for him to take the continuous coughing seriously.

"just get me some water, I will be just fine." He jumped over my legs and ran to the other room. In a haste, he came inside the room I was in, spilling some of the water on his way.

"There! there..Thank you," I said, taking the glass from his hand. He watched me gulp down the water. "did it make you feel better?" His eyes pleaded for a yes. I nodded, kissing him on the forehead.

"you should sleep now, Naruto." He shook his head in denial and insisted in watching over me until Kakashi returned. Overprotective, I thought with a smile.

(an: play "Come to Me" - Lee Jong Suk )

"come to me," I said, pulling the blanket up and patting on the place beside me. He crawled in and lied down beside my body. I pulled him closer to myself and put my hand under his neck, slowly caressing his hair.

"I won't fall asleep like this,"he fought back in a soft sleepy voice. "I know," I lied, knowing it will just take a minute from now to make him fall into a deep and sound slumber.

Time ticked away and his audible snores reached my ears. I quietly chuckled. I slide my hand from underneath him and got out of the futon. I tugged him inside it well and slowly patted onto his covered body.

I was feeling alot better now but there was some coughing here and there. I stretched inside the room for some time before going out the room. We were currently in an inn with two rooms. One for the men and the other for myself. All to myself.

I fell sick after a day of reaching. The genjutsu tree village was where the auction taking place in which is 20 minutes away from here. I wore my soft crotchet cardigan to help with the cold.

I decided to step outside for a while to feel even better and get well sooner hopefully. Winter was just a week away from now. The appearance of winter was already seen in here with the bare tress. I closed the door behind, a sudden chakra lured around me.

It had a known feeling to it, I knew who this belonged to. "here you are.." I smiled at the voice and faced the male. "Itachi..why are you.." I stopped as I examined his appearance. A long line cutting the symbol of the village and a red cloud designed cloak over his body.

"what..is this?" He smiled,"this is nothing, you will know about it later but like do you have some time to spare with me? I am kind of in a hurry, please?" He requested, it was so unlike him.

"I will gladly but that's so unlike you to say 'please'," I smiled, walking to him. "really?" I nodded.

We walked for some good minute without saying anything, something within him was screaming to me but I am unable to decode it. A flower field rested infront of our eyes. I ran towards it and looked around the dead flowers. It was a dreadful yet a pleasant view.

"Itachi, come here! it feels awfully nice," I turned around to notice how close he already was. I felt a different chakra surrounding him now. He was tall enough to tower over me, I looked into his eyes. Sadness.

"Itachi..?" His head fell into my neck in an instant, he broke down making me freeze in my place. His body shook with uncontrollable sobs following out of his mouth. He was crying.. Itachi was crying..

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now