53 - Found my one.

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"He's not waiting outside.." I mumbled, hoping that he would. The hallway ended, the front room of the hospital started and no sign of him.

I lightly hit my head, smiling at my stupidity to believe Tadashi like that. I head to the counter to pay for the visit. The payment was done, I took the receipt in my hand and headed home.

Nothing out of the ordinary, the surrounding around me remained the same. I wished something would happen, anything. My feet hit the first stairs of the exit and there he was, jogging his way to the gate of the hospital.

I halt on my steps and watched him in complete daze as he catches onto his breathing. "am.. I late?" He huffed, standing straight with his hands on his hips.

"how did you know i was here..?"

He took his head band off and ruffled his hair gently as he walked closer. "from Minato's minion obviously," He softly laughed at his own remark.

He stood infront of me, looking down into my eyes. His closeness and gaze was enough to take me somewhere far where there's peace and yet I was confused?

It was never the same with Itachi. He felt like a comfort but not the comfort that I attain from Kakashi's presence. It's not even near this.

"You got so much to explain," I said, sounding nor serious or happy. He tilted his head,"Am I in trouble?"

"depends on your answers," I said, taking his hand into mine, locking them as I walked out the gate with him behind.

"...maybe I am not..or?"

"Let's see," I answered, smiling.

The shops were slowly closing. The night has fallen and it was soon the bedtime for the village. I wanted somewhere peaceful to be the place where I get to finally get settled with my life. I was tired of running away from my emotions, it was painful.

The only place that seemed perfect was the training field, where it all started. Our friendship.

He didn't bother asking where we headed, making me turn around. "Not afraid that I would probably assassinate you?"

"Not even a bit. It's impossible for you to even look at me, let alone kill me." I let go of our hands, running away from him into the field.

"wait what- what!" He said, running behind me. The wind was gently flowing, carrying my laugh along with it. I stopped soon after some time, carrying more than my weight is tough. Kakashi caught onto me, worried at how exhausted I seemed with the 1 minute run.

"You should rest more and more. Take a break from the academy please," He requested, as we sat down on the grass. There was only one light far from the middle of the field where we sat. The lake mirrored the image on the sky, making the night anything above perfect.

"You ask for the leave on behalf of me,"

"Me? who am I?" I frowned at his statement.

"Who are you?"

"That's why I asked you to marry me, could have barged into the third's office and say 'why are you making my wife work so much you old haggard' like that." I chuckled at his words.

"you would never do that,"

"You're right but at least would have taken the leave for both of us. I need to take care of you along with the baby afterall," His sweet words made me stare and smile like a fool.

He tucked my hair behind my ear. I remembered what I had to say.

"do you remember this place?" I asked. He looked around us,"This is the training field," He gave out an obvious answer.

"I know but there's more to it-"

"We met here for the first time after the war and where my ego got crushed by your words too," He said, humming at the end,"I remember it well,"

"Tell me something first,"


"You knew about my age? even before I did?" He blinked his eyes at me, sighing as he took his mask off.

"Tadashi told you everything?"

"Not everything, just this and now I need to know everything."

He lied down on the grass, turning his head to look at me,"I did." A coldness made the moment even more better than it already was.

"Go on,"

He looked at the sky for some while, making me wonder what seemed so mesmerising to make him stare; it was indeed beautiful. I lied down beside him to witness the picture the sky was showing. The moon, with millions of stars surrounding it. Some cloud did interrupt the scene, only to make it seem breathtaking.

"I knew it even before the announcement was made by the village. Nothing was adding up to it, you suddenly being the same age as us. So I went ahead and asked Minato sensei about it, and after some inquiries, he told me about it and asked me to keep the concealed information concealed. No matter what. So i did." He moved his eyes to his left side where his gaze caught my lit up eyes. I felt his eyes from the corner of my eye, making me turn to meet his.

"I started to treat you like your given age. I don't know when and how my heart chose you. I remember being so afraid to love you, always reminding myself that it's wrong. I should be taking care of you as a brother, not as someone I would care for in a different way. I kept all my love hidden from you until you adopted Naruto." He laughed.


"That's when I noticed you being so nervous around me. We used to fight alot, you remember? We used to be way closer than those moments we were after you took Naruto with you. I assumed that maybe you too, have started to grow something towards me. That's when I got carried away with my immense love towards you. I am sorry if I got too lost with my feelings to a point where I may have made you feel uncomfortable." He stopped for a while as now we got lost into one another's eyes.

"Then after you found out about your age, I realized it too. I wanted to end it all for good and move on, that's probably why, I accepted to go out with Anko. But everytime I tried to move away from you, I would always meet you in a way or another." His eyes showed a thin lining of moist, his nose and cheeks had a light hue of red.

"Why..me..?" I said, caressing his cheeks with my hand.

"..you.." He smiled as his hand reach out to my cheeks, rubbing his thumb against my skin,"You are the silence in my life's chaos. Just how Jiraiya-sama said in his book,"


"oh I almost forgot," I said, stopping both of us. I took out the envelope and handed it over to him.

"What's this?" He carefully opened it, taking the blue paper out.

"i don't know, Tadashi asked me to open it with you.." I examined his face as he went through the paper.

"..y/n.." He looked up, continuing with pure awe,"We're having a boy!"

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now