45 - Suprise? I hope not.

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"I am here.." He held onto me tightly, no means of letting go. I softly kissed his head, resting my cheek against it. He calmed down way quicker than i anticipated but letting go of me seemed to have been forgotten by him. I could hear his heartbeat clear and loud.

I took a quick glance, his eyes were closed as if he was resting after a long nightmare. I didn't expect him to get scared this much, but somehow it made me sigh in relief. He didn't forget that he still can show his emotions when he needs to.

"Just a high fever..it will go down soon," I reassured, as he slowly let go of me. He didn't look up, instead he got up and wiped the tears away. I sat on the floor and watched him, couldn't help the forming smile.

"Goodnight.." He said, picking up his headband that lied on the floor. He wouldn't stay even if the world insisted, he needs some space right now. More than anything.

I dusted myself off, getting up to give a proper farewell to him. I almost stumbled on my feet, but quickly stood straight. Not wanting to worry the kid.

"Get home safe Sasuke," I said, while he walked out the door. I walked out for a second to get some fresh air too as I watch him leave. Winter's ending was almost here yet the stubborn cold didn't wanna leave. I rested my arms on the railings as i waited for Sasuke to walk away infront of my eyes.

"But how did he come by this late at night? did he call me awhile ago?" I thought, as he came in my view. "He had something to say maybe," I rested my cheek on my palm. He stopped, turning around to see me staring as he leaves. I waved, with a smile.

All he did was stare, before turning around on his heels. He waited for some seconds before walking away from my sight. He just makes me smile, i dont know why. He doesn't do anything close to what Naruto does, yet he never fails to make me smile as well.

I walked inside my apartment, locking the front door well. "I didn't even lock the door properly. Sasuke saved me big time-" I stopped as i saw a bouquet full of handmade roses just inches away from my feet.

I got it in my hands, a note stuck out. It read,

Thank you. I am grateful to you. Happy Valentines day, y/n neesan.

"... Sasuke.."


next morning

My stomach churned, making me throw up once again. This time, tears gushing out out of extreme frustration. My mind couldn't grasp the situation well. Everything was ticking me off.

I walked out the bathroom, as the heads turn to see me. "Are you okay?" Anko asked, getting up to get a hold onto me. Kurenai took off the apron and stood beside the dinning, leaning against the wall.

"It's not normal anymore. Not a single morning feels good, on top waking up with zero energy is taking a huge toll on me." I groaned, holding onto my bottomed stomach.

"I am done with breakfast and after that, we will be going with you to the doc." Anko said, helping me walk to the table with steaming hot breakfast. The table satisfied me. Nothing fried or even fish. She prepared the breakfast as per my request, making me thank her.

"I miss the y/n who used to shove down only fried items when it comes to any meal," Kurenai said, helping me with the rice.

"I do too. But not anymore, i will get better in no time now!" I hope..


"Where are you three heading to this early morning?" Gai asked, as Kakashi took off the earplugs while he huffed for air. They were out for a jog.

"To the doctor, for y/n." The two turned their heads to me.

"what's wrong?" Kakashi asked, standing with his hands on his hips.

"It started with a fever and now followed and continued with morning sickness, weakness, and overall unable to do any stuff," I said, lightly biting onto my inner lips to let go of the tensed thoughts.

"Did you take meds for the sickness?"

"I did. But here i am, on my way to find out whats wrong,"

"Don't worry! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO DIE! YOU WILL GET OVER IT WITH YOUR OVERFLOWING-" Gai enthusiastically said, which was much needed. Anko pulled me out of the conversation,"We are getting late! see you two later."

"...Did they just escape?" Gai said, almost in disbelief.

"I would have too." Kakashi said in a monotonous tone, plugging his earplugs on and jogging out of there.



"It's been a long time since you visited me y/n," Tadashi said, with his usual smile.

"When was the last time? Oh my my, last year January?" He narrowed his eyes, scoffing jokingly.

"So what brought you here today? Your description is showing me some shocking news. But to confirm that.." He said, going to the drawer to pull out something. "Take this," He put it forward for me to see.

I stared at the box for some time, falling into a soft laughter. "I am suffering, keep the jokes aside for this session." I said, moving the box away.

"Morning sickness, fatigue and on top feeling extremely hungry.." He read out the description that I wrote back at the front desk to be sorted to a doctor. "You would be kidding me with this description then if this box ain't a possibility." Tadashi said, shrugging when i looked up at him.

I feel the sudden emptiness in my heart, laughing out of stress,"It's impossible.." I couldn't help but stare at him.

"it is possible y/n, you might be pregnant," He said, with his arms crossed over his chest and rested on the table.

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