38 - Feelings don't matter

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I turned the bathroom light off and watched as Kakashi-san turned to take a look as he sat still on my bed. I wiped my hands on the back of the sweatpants and walked near him, taking a seat on the cozy carpet infront of him.

"You're 20," I looked up at him, as he stared back at me. I noticed his mask up, maybe he pulled it up upon seeing Naruto. I watched his hair rest at one side. "And I was making you read those... novels," He expressed his guilt, as I wait for him to say more of the regrets he now feels.

He slide fingers through his white hair, letting out a sigh,"And?" I asked, growing impatient. He stopped what he was doing and stared,"...and?" He repeated.

"what else do you regret?" I asked, not beating around the bush.

"...regret? should I regret something-" His voice said, he was genuinely confused.

Now I was confused too, seeing him not thinking about anything else but Jiraiya-sama's novel,"Nothing." I smiled. "You wanted to talk," I reminded him.

"oh right.." He said, sliding down onto the ground. "Don't feel too burdened about it, you didn't know either. On top, I had fun with you being a friend. Thank you for remaining beside me for so long, y/n. It's now my turn to finally take care of you, after all.. you're my sensei's sister.." He eye smiled.

Take care? right. I returned the smile with an unwilling smile. He continued,"Don't call me -san, keep it just as before. Kakashi, or maybe Kashi? that you used to call me..when we were young," His words, made me genuinely fall onto a soft chuckle.

"I will," I said with a grin.

"And if you need any sort of help, like I know you get paid enough from the missions, but still if-"

"I need any money, I will ask you for it, is that it?" I completed for him, knowing he would say the same as Iruka.

"...right," He said, with low voice. His voice made me realize, it just doesn't seem right. "Kakashi-" "Y/n-san! The food's getting cold, And Kakashi sensei really sat here to talk?" Naruto said, standing at the doorway still in PJs and arms crossed.

"Oh right.." I got up,"What's up with the sass?" I said, flicking his forehead as I walked past him. "AAH! Y/n-san!" He said, chasing me. I laughed as we entered the kitchen in a run, I used Iruka as a shield from the wild Naruto. He couldn't help but sigh,"It's 3 in the morning and you two are so energetic, youth."

I stood straight and got a hold of Naruto,"Why am I running away from a petite boy like you?" I stick my tongue out as I let go of him and went to take a seat.

"Wait till I become a Hokage! You will be the first to be kicked out of the village Y/n-san," He huffed, taking a seat beside me.

"in your dreams, sure." I smiled, irritating every nerve within him.

"You're just like Kakashi sensei!"

"did my lovely Naruto say anything about me?" Kakashi-san said, taking a seat beside Naruto. My smile fall into a small one, as I took the rice bowl in my hand. I looked up at Iruka-san, he raised his eyebrow at me, asking what's up. I shook my head,'nothing', going in for a spoonful of the fried rice while Kakashi threatened Naruto to not take him to their next mission.

It will get better..


Third Person

"You're 20?????" Kurenai and Anko said in unison. The girl kept her head low, as she looked up them as they bat their eyelashes. Asuma-san came in with a shook face, covering mouth with his hand.

Iruka and Kakashi were busy with the decor. They were busy, conversing about the balloon setting. "Did you guys know about it?" Asuma-san said, still not over the news. The two males turned, replying.


"I do," Kakashi took a brief look at the lady as her back faced him, turning back to the paper where he sketched out the balloon setting, with a smirk like smile behind his mask.

"Betrayal," Asuma commented, turning back to the new youngest among them,"Don't worry, I love you just as before," He said, patting her. Y/n looked up at the scoffing lady infront, Kurenai.

"I love you more obviously my red lady," Anko gagged at the nickname, while Kurenai smiled ear to ear. Anko looked at y/n, cringing together at the scene.

"Helping us would be highly appreciated," the ponytail male said, making the ladies jump out of their seats.

"Y/n, choose. This or that? You're upto trend than us, we will trust your choice." Asuma asked, putting forward two decor style. Immediately the dark orange and white decor idea caught her eyes rather than the simple black and white.

"Not a funeral so, this one." She looked up, seeing an amused smile on Iruka while Kakashi scratched his neck, sighing.

They got started with the last decoration as some others joined in. Gai went lunatic, why wasn't he called at the beginning. Y/n took care of the door while the others took care of the center where the cake will be kept.

"Do you want some help?" Someone said, y/n turned, holding onto the garland. The flowers fell from one side of the string, hitting my head as she noticed the purple marking on the mask of the ANBU.

"Shisui.." she slowly got down the chair, as he gave her a smile keeping his mask away for a second.

"are you busy?"

"Won't be after this door is done." He wore back his mask while she spoke.

"This.." He handed her a letter,"Don't be late." With that he left as soon as she took the letter.

Y/n watched his back disappear, turning to the letter. She checked the name,


She smiled at his name, looking back inside the hall room. Everyone seemed busy with their work but something in particular caught her gaze, Anko and Kakashi working together with the table. They conversed, Anko spoke while Kakashi listened to her carefully, she couldn't help but keep on staring.

She looked down, feeling, it would be better if she let things happen on their own rather than letting her do what her heart wants.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now