59 - " I am over us."

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The moment came to a halt. The baby slept soundly in presence of his parents. The father was left in daze as he slowly sat down on the floor, gaze fixated on his newborn.

The other person was able to read the environment inside the room, excusing herself from the room with a hidden smile, letting the parents have some time on their own.

Y/n didn't let go of his hand and felt his hand slowly slipping away. Before they could no longer touch, she was quick to get a tight grip onto his hand. "Sasuke.." Itachi came back upon hearing his little brother's name,"..named him Seito,"

A flood of emotions hit Itachi, making it impossible to hold on any longer. He teared up,"..Oh..God.."He spoke out feebly. Y/n pulled him closer to her, hugging him with the space she had in her arms beside Seito. She stroke his back as he sobbed into her arms, he was overwhelmed with emotions.

"We met..some months ago, why didn't you tell me?" He looked up, tears trickling down his cheeks one by one. She smiled, wiping the tears away.

"Don't smile..I hate you.."He said.

She let him cry as much as he wanted to, while she quietly sat and comforted him. He slowly got up and sat beside her, shakily getting a hold onto his child's hand.

"You hid my kid from me, I hate you," He said, resting his head against hers as they watched the little boy sleep peacefully.

"I know.." Y/n said, recalling what her work was here.

"can you call Pakkun here? I need to talk to him,"

"can i.." He started, making her turn to his eyes,"take my son with me..?" He politely requested.

Y/n didn't say anything but do as he wanted. He gently took his son in his arms once again, smiling at him, making her heart flutter.

He carefully went downstairs, seeing everyone waiting for them downstairs. Pakkun was sitting there peacefully with Hidan eyeing him with annoyance. All eyes turned towards the stairs, eyes going wide with astonishment.

"Is that the kid?!" Kisame was the first to run towards Itachi, trying to take a look at the baby. Konan smiled at the father, happily holding onto his son as the others waited for him to sit down on the couch so that they could have a look.

"Pakkun, y/n is asking for you,"

"May I see the kid first?" He asked to which Itachi didn't think much but let him see the baby closely.

"Tobi wants to see y/n's baby!" He said, jumping around to take a look.

Pakkun was done seeing the baby and ran upstairs to Y/n. He looked around himself before entering the room. He watched the blood smudged bed sheets and clothes. Besides there was a bowl of water that too had a hint of redness.


"Ah you're here. Can you send Kakashi a message? He will be sick worried.." She felt her heart tear, she somewhat wanted Kakashi near too as much as she wanted Itachi to see his child. She needed him, her man beside her as she went into labour.

"Ah..gosh," She couldn't hold back the tears. Pakkun sighed, jumping onto the bed beside her as he tried to comfort her with his tiny paw. "I miss him so bad..i miss him.." No one said a word and let her cry in silence. She needed it.

"It's normal for you to miss him y/n. He's been such a good man throughout the pregnancy and cared for you as if it was his own baby that you were growing inside you, it's normal." Y/n let out a sigh and wiped the tears away. They stopped mentioning Kakashi when a footstep came running upstairs.

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