31 - Prep and Fight of the night

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"and you're done," I dusted off the kimono once it was on Sasuke. He quietly took a glance at himself, looking up to just stare.

I tilted my head and stared back,"what is it?" He looked away with flustered cheeks and walked out the door without saying anything.

Naruto came inside in a hurry and handed over the pin I asked him to bring. "Fast! I don't wanna fall behind, y/n-san!" I took the cloth together and pinned it in place so that it stays whenever he's going to recklessly run.

"yes done! go go," I said, patting him. I followed him as he ran to the door where Sasuke and Sakura stood, waiting for him to join and leave with them.

"when are you coming?" Sakura asked, making the boys turn to face me. "I will as soon as I am done with my work," I smiled.

"please don't be late! we will leave then, see you!" Naruto said, walking out the door with the two. I waved at them, as they closed the door. I sighed, looking around at the apartment. The fitting of their dress did leave behind some work for me to do.

Pieces of clothes and threads littered around the living room floor. "probably the third time.." I said, mentally preparing myself to clean the room for the third time.

I got the broom and started from the main door to the corners. I got my sewing machine and went on ahead to put it back inside for an another decade.

"the is done here—" thud! "owh.." I rubbed my elbow, in attempt to warm the area and feel less of the pain. I tripped onto the broom that I left on the floor. I dusted my clothes as I slowly got up. I looked at the dust pile and notice something red sticking out  from below the corner table.

As I got close, it seemed like a pin. I picked it up and dusted the cob web looking dust and blew the dirt's away. I caressed it with my finger tips, red flowers with a peacock at the end. It indeed was a hair pin, and I would be lying if I say it wasn't the most beautiful looking.

"how did it got here.." I got down and checked under the table, realizing how I never cleaned under this place. I sighed at my stupidity and can't even remember when was the last time I cleaned this space.

I cleaned every sides and corners, letting out a huff in tiresome. I looked at the clock, 7:03.

"I need to get ready!" I said, almost in a coo. The night seemed somewhat exciting now, for what? Just my heart cheering up to wear the kimono.


The tea was served with some sweets beside the dangos I was going for first. "I am full!" White Zetsu said from the across where I sat.

"You chowed down everything that came in view. EVEN THOSE GRUESOME LOOKING EGGPLANTS!" The Other side of Zetsu said, as the others sat there and watched the same yet different sides speak.

"Man those looked good and if I threw it after putting inside my mouth, pain would have just ended me here. You know how much he hates to waste the meals," Pain looked at them and went back to his tea cup.

"This seems like a adult tea party with a bipolar aunty who got problem with every meal," Kisame remarked. "Eggplant wasn't the only FOOD IN heRE!"

Kisame shrugged and sipped his tea. "Are we done? can we go back now? Pain-sama," Sasori said, growing impatient.

"It's the only way Akatsuki can communicate and have each other's company. Missions are a part of it, not the entire thing— Deidara stop destroying Hidan's hand under the table!" Konan said, catching the man unguarded.

"Huh?" Hidan looked down and saw his hand smashed. "YOU SON OF A SNITCH!" Hidan said, getting his scythe out. "That's FOR STEALING THE LAST PIECE OF SAURY! HMM!"

"You dense headed loaf of wet bread, you're always chewing your clays, why fight over the last piece when you can create them and devour!" Hidan retorted.

Deidara gaped his mouth in disbelief,"... HOW DUMB ARE YOU EXACTLY?!" Deidara said, taking a grip on his collar.

"shouldn't we stop them?" Sasori suggested, Kakuzu ate the sweets unfazed,"I want both them dead, let them unalive one another." He said, slurping his tea inside,"owh, it's still hot."

"What does loaf of wet bread means?" White Zetsu asked his opposite side,"Useless," He nodded as he understood.

Konan quietly sighed,"can we for once have a peaceful night out..?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. At that instant, Pain stood up, making the table go silent.


"Criminal diaries about to start. I should get home..." His voice slowly became inaudible as he walked out the exit. The table was left in daze, processing what just happened.

Hidan pushed away Deidara, glaring,"Gay," Deidara's eyes twitch, watching Hidan sit down quietly.

"Then I will get going, I need to work on my puppets," Sasori got up, biding everyone goodnight. The entire night was there so I thought about returning late.

"Wanna return now or?" Kisame asked, getting up.

"I will stay," I shortly said, watching the others slowly get up too.

"I am so tired gaaaah," Hidan said, stretching his arms out as he got out and stood behind the little curtains that covered our table.

"tired of what? getting on my nerves?" Deidara chimed in.

"Man just needs a reason to fit in for no reason," Hidan spat back.

"another word and I will explode you with the fireworks tonight hmm,"

"As if I care Mr. Hmm. Who even plays with clay now?"

I couldn't stand these bickerings. "Will they ever even stop?" Konan said from beside. Sasori answered back but I was too done with the place and their talks so I left the restaurant.

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