24 - five years

755 37 1

last chapter

A piece of tape replayed in my mind, leaving me dazed.

"you're a pretty daylily to me," His another remark resurfaced.

"yellow daylily means forgetting the worries, more like if referred to a person, they are the reason behind the ease of our painful events."


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5 years later..

"Sasuke?" I called out from outside. He didn't response back but after some time opened the door. He held the door wide open, letting me inside.

"Nee-san.." He said, in a low tone. I hummed back and put down the food I made for him,"Do..you wanna see..the new style I developed..?" I smiled and sat down on the chair.

"Yes! but first, finish this before it turns cold." He tched, walking towards the table and getting on the chair. I revealed the foods to him as his eyes glistened in secret. His facial didn't change but the way he ate the food, said it all.

I helped him eat and looked around the room, he cleaned it up himself. "So Sasuke is learning how to keep house clean?" I softly laughed as he seemed dazed. He cleared his throat, not saying anything and enjoyed the praise quietly.

"I will be taking you to the doctor today. Please don't resist." I took the chicken bowl and shredded it for him. He politely nodded, I raised my eyebrow.

"you're being obedient way more than before today. Is something the matter?" I asked, placing the separated chicken infront of him. He ate in silence, I decided to not talk more.

I got up and went wandering around his tidied bedroom. I went to the windows and watched the view. My gaze fell upon the mirror beside, I smiled.

The long hair looks just as pretty as before. I never thought about growing my hair out but now that I did, I don't think I will be going back to the short hair.

"Nee-san, I am done." Sasuke said, coming inside the bedroom. I turned on my heels and headed to the table he was eating earlier. "I!..I did the dishes and put it back inside the bag." I raised my eyebrow as I witnessed the truth he said.

I ruffled his hair with a smile,"thank you so much!" He kept his gaze low with bright red cheeks.

After Sasuke got ready, we headed to the hospital. Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi were meeting us there for the checkup. We walked down the street as the fresh aroma of dried squid and ramen ran across our nose.

"look! the Uchiha clan is almost finished!" I said, pointing at the under construction site as we passed. "hmm," he shortly responded.

The Uchiha clan was asked to be taken care of for Sasuke to take it entirely to himself. He will be in charge of it and it was upon him to choose who to stay in there. Knowing Sasuke, he wouldn't want anyone inside but to take care of the houses and for maintenance purpose, he was going to let some people live there.

Sasuke spoke out,"Nee-san.."

I hummed for him to proceed," Don't find my words weird, I just want to show my gratitude towards you for being with me for the past years," I nodded as he avoided my gaze on him," live with me in the Uc-chiha c-clan," Sasuke stuttered but still offered.

"Let's think about it. Hmm, I should ask Naruto about it-"

"No! Not him.. please. He will joke about how I am a scaredy cat even when it's not the case," He said, slowly ending the sentence in a lower tone compared to when he started.

"Don't worry! Naruto won't even mean it in the first place. But now that he moved out of my apartment to his own, let's see," I eye smiled, seeing his tiny smile forming. He nodded with a hum as we stayed quiet for the remaining walk.

"Oio y/n-sa- HUH?" Naruto exclaimed with a sudden change in facial expressions at the sight of Sasuke beside me. Sasuke scoffed as Naruto narrowed his stare, darting it towards Sasuke to pierce through him wherever he was looking.

I pushed Naruto's head back with my index finger, as he puffed his cheeks at me. I pulled it out and apologized to Kakashi for making them wait. "We just arrived, don't worry about that." He said, walking inside as we followed behind.

"Good morning y/n-san!" Sakura greeted, taking a greet back. I caressed her hair as the two male behind silently fought among themselves. There's not even a single day when they didn't stop wrangling.

Sasuke and Naruto did have a great bond but it soon died after Sasuke pushed Naruto away after the Uchiha clan tragedy. Maybe he's afraid of losing someone close yet again but surprisingly, he does keep me close to him at times when he needs it.

Alot had happened after the Uchiha massacre. Itachi was known as an international criminal around the villages. Sasuke's hatred towards Itachi remains unchanged. At times it gets unbearable for him to even keep it. He seeks for power and often overworks himself to a point where he needs to be taken to the hospital just like today.

I do try to minimize it somehow but pushing the boundaries will only make him distance himself from me too.

Over the few years, Kakashi and I have grown apart, focusing on our missions once my break was over. My feelings for him seemed to fade away slowly when his love interest upon someone else became the talk of the village, Hanare.

We did talk about her once a long time ago but now that she came back, it seemed like fate for them to meet. It did hurt but my feelings too seemed all over the place, as if I wasn't sure who I truly wanted.

Itachi left me devastated over the fact of passing his confession to me through a meaning we only knew. It made me move, like move in a way where my love for Kakashi came in question. I knew how much I loved him but it seemed to go away all at once after I came across the meaning behind the flower talks.

I do have grudges against Itachi but this unsettling love I grew everytime I thought about us, messed me up. I hate this, I hate how I was slowly functioning. Even I don't know who I love. Obito is out of the picture, Kakashi is too but what if it's not Itachi either?

"Y/n?" I felt a push.

"huh? oh yeah..I mean what?"

"I asked, whether you want to get a check up for your back pain or is it okay now?" Kakashi asked, looking at the paper he was handed by the nurse I assume.

"I am okay, just do the kids check up."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now