29 - our conversation

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—last chapter

"Oh, I got Sasuke's recent picture," I said to her as we stopped near the river. "He graduated and as you would expect, he topped every subject," I took a seat on the ground, taking his group picture with Team 7.

"Naruto is with him, along with Harano Sakura," I watched her slowly examine the picture with her fingers tracing over the photo.

-life of Ms. Namikaze -

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

"It's suffocating me," Mikoto-san said, readjusting the oxygen mask

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"It's suffocating me," Mikoto-san said, readjusting the oxygen mask. I got up and checked the oxygen cylinder, it was at normal. Is her oxygen level decreasing..?

"Is it okay for me to open it?" She said, opening it. "Mikoto-san

I stopped when I realized the relaxing smile stretching across her face. I held myself back and watched her, away from the mask's prison, breathing lively. She pressed around the marking area on her cheek's and mouth before turning to me.

"Sit and tell me more about Sasuke's achievement," She took my hand, squeezing them softly.

"oh, your hands are getting a little rough. Are you not taking care of yourself?" She asked, making me sit beside her wheelchair. Her eyes shifted down as I sat.

"I am running out of your hand cream, haha.." She looked surprised.

"It's been like what 4 years? since I gifted that to you, you still have it?" She gave a baffled smile, falling into a soft yet restraint laughter.

"don't worry, I will write down the ingredients for you. Make it and use it, hmm? That way you will have a gift from me that you can always make and remember me even if I am gone," I quietly looked down, feeling a hand on caressing my head.

"Weren't we on Sasuke?" I turned the topic,"what to say about that little genius?" She eye smiled, nodded. I got the permission to continue,"He learned how to do clones perfectly at early stage of Ninja academy. No one can win over him and everyone's scared of how good he is at everything he does,"

"Does he have friends?"

"He does, but too shy accept to them. He will eventually learn to, don't worry!" I assured her, taking her hand as it fell from my head.

"and.." She started, I hummed.

"what about Itachi?" My smile noticably dropped with my eyes slowly looking for a place to rest  instead of her eyes.

"It's alright. I am okay with talking about him," I paused for some time and clenched my fist.

"... why, are you asking about him.." I politely said,"It will seem odd if you look for answers about him, Mikoto-san,"

I had so much within me but foolishly venting to her about him, who is the reason behind her tragedy and state will seem selfish and blockhead of me.

I didn't hate him, I couldn't. I do feel guilty everytime I look at Sasuke when he's suffering for something Itachi did with no explanation or whatsoever behind it.

I want to hate him but I just can't come close to disliking him. Not for my doubted feelings but for that somewhere in my heart I know, what he did..must have a reason.

"It may seem odd," I turned to see her eyes as she spoke,"But my motherly nature can never hate him. Y/n, you have been near him for a very long time after Shisui. If Shisui were alive and watched all these happen, how would he react do you think?"


"ding! wrong!" She chuckled. I couldn't hold back my smile, looking at her being cheerful and alive after so many years.

"He would look for answers,"

I tilted my head,"answers..?"

"answers for his actions," Her words were not clicking for me. Her calmness and no sign of resent, made me wonder how strong is the motherly nature for one.

Would I forgive Naruto if he killed my entire clan? I can't even come to think or imagine how she should be feeling but what is this?

"Mikoto-san, don't you resent him?" I asked with no hesitation.

"I already have the answers so I don't!" I felt an ease without even knowing what it was. I stood up and wasn't sure what to do next. Was I excited? happy? sad? what is this feeling?


"What happened?" Mikoto-san asked, adjusting the blanket on her lap as she watched me, taking a short glance at her lap and again turning to me.

"N-nothing," I answered, slowly dusting my dress.

"Is it time for us to leave?"

"Yeah.." I said, getting a reason for standing up like that. I walked to her and fixed everything attached to the chair to not leave anything behind.

I helped her wear her oxygen mask and increased the level a bit. "is it okay for you?"

"yeah, you can say that," I nodded and went behind the wheelchair. I pulled it back and turned it around.

I put my thoughts at rest and kept my mind empty for the time we will need to reach her ward.

"you understood him, didn't you?"


"Itachi.. you understood him. Only needed a confirmation to your thoughts didn't you?" My silence proved her being right, making her say,"Be with him once you find him again. He won't show it but needs someone with him now the most for that I know..what he has done, had no willingness in it. Save him..This will be my one last selfish  request to you, Ms. Namikaze.."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now