10 - morning

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-last chapter


"am i.. falling for someone again..?"
The wind passed by us, as I looked over at him.

Or is it..you..?

-love life of Y/n Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

The next morning crept along, y/n found myself totally wasted on a couch

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The next morning crept along, y/n found myself totally wasted on a couch. She looked around the apartment, it was Kurenai's. "So the trouble maker decided to wake?" Y/n didn't bother to look at her, knowing she must have done something stupid after drinking heavily.

"Yeah I know. Destroyed a shop? Fell into a lake? Cried while hugging a tree because I thought it was lonely and lost? Fell asleep under a bench? Wanted to marry some random stranger on the streets? I know. I need to stop dri-"

"You.." y/n turned her head to see Kurenai's face, her face didn't have the expression she expected. Kurenai was hesitant,"... almost strangled Kakashi for not being someone," My jaw dropped.

"That's not all. There's more. Sit straight and here," she handed her a pillow,"in case you wanna scream, scream in it."

-last night

"How could you say sorry for something I AM SURE YOU ENJOYED! yaaa..you, overdressed bitch," Asuma choked on his beer, watching y/n point at Kakashi who was holding onto her as she sat.

"wHAT is wrong with you?" She tried to grab the bottle but Kakashi was quick to snatch it away. "Y/n, let's go home,"

"Whose? Yours?" Y/n giggled, holding Kakashi closer to her now. He didn't bother to move her away but let her do what she wanted to,"you sure are a pervert," Kakashi again didn't react and played it cool as he took her around her seat and made her stand.

"That's what I.." she mumbled the rest of the words which none of them could make it out but Kakashi may have.



"And then how did I end up here- wait! O MY GOD WHERE IS NARUTO?!"

"Took you long enough to realize. Itachi took him for a sleepover with Sasuke," Kurenai said, getting up to her kitchen. "What do you eat for breakfast? Is it something heavy--" I cut her off,"no it's alright," I collected my fan and hair clips while standing up.

"Naruto will search for me after he's back, I should head back. Thank you for letting me sleep in here!" I half ran to the door and waved her for the last time. Closing the door behind me, I huffed for the morning air.

At the corner of my eye, I saw someone walk in. I looked at the person,"I was going to pick you up," Kakashi said. "Ugh," I dragged my feet to him.

"Carry me home if you can," I said, raising my arms up to him with a sneaky smile. I knew he would just turn it down but as I lowered my hands to my side,"Sure, hop on," he got down, waiting for me to get on him.

I scoffed at him, smiling,"What has gotten into you today?" "Just felt like being nice to you,"

"Why is that?" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck as he got a hold onto my thighs before getting up. He ignored my words.

"rude," I commented as he carefully walked with me. Judging by the amount of people on the road, it was probably 9 in the morning. I rested my head against his, not being able to stop smiling.

"Kakashi?" He hummed.

"Did you ever pick someone up like this?"

"Younger you and now you,"

"Haaa? Only me? Not like any of your girlfriends?"

"I never had a girlfriend- oh wait, I have picked someone up before."

"Who was it?"



And that was the end of our conversation for the entire way to home. I was nowhere hurt or bothered but didn't feel like hearing anything more from him. My smile was gone by now and only focus was to reach home.

"Why did you quiet down?" He suddenly asked, taking a glance at me to see if I was sleeping. I was wide awake, and ignoring him. "Say something?"

"Yes," My response made him sigh. My apartment building came in sight, but he didn't stop or did I ask him to drop me here. A man walked out of the apartment complex with two kids beside him.

His eyes fell upon us, I locked my eyes with him. He stared back, taking a brief look at Kakashi. "Let me down," I tapped his shoulder and he did.

I walked over to them, Naruto noticed me. "Y/n-san! We waited for so long and you didn't come," "good morning, y/n nee-san," Sasuke greeted.

"I wasn't home last night so yeah haha. Also did you guys have fun?" I asked the kids, they seemed to have lots to talk about.

"Alright alright! Tell me at the breakfast table, I hope you all didn't yet have your breakfast," I said, walking up the stairs.

"Yeah we had but couldn't much," Itachi said, breaking away his eye contact from somewhere to back to me.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now