16 - late autumn night

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"Itachi? OH! y/n, you're here!" our head turned to the front door of their house, Mikoto-san..

"good evening, I am sorry I am here empty handed," I apologized, turning my body entirely towards her as she walked to us.

She shook her head a no,"you being here is already enough! when was the last time you visited us hmm?" I sheepishly smiled, she continued," it was always Itachi taking those two to you. You should have come by often," She softly laughed with me, I felt at ease.

"since you're here, I am not letting you go so easily," She said, taking my hand. "huh- no no I mean-" "I am deaf suddenly," Itachi slightly smirked as he smiled,"I will bring those two back home,"

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

I checked the clock and gasped

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I checked the clock and gasped. It was past 10 already. "oh no, look at the time. I held you for so long," Mikoto-san apologized. "no no, I had fun. Thank you for today, I caused you alot of pain," I retorted.

"not at all, we should talk and meet often. I enjoyed it! I missed talking to someone like this.." she said, ending the last sentence in a low tone. She was close to Kushina Nee-san, so I understood the sudden change of tone.

I took Naruto in my arms and got up carefully, not wanting to wake him up. He's really grumpy when awaken from a sleep. Mikoto-san walked us with Itachi to the front door. Sasuke fell asleep along with Naruto. So he won't be able to see us off now.

The door opened, Fugaku-san entered with a little shocked face. I greeted him, slightly bowing. He greeted back with a warm smile,"I am sorry I couldn't attend the sudden meet. Why don't you stay a little longer for a cup of tea?" He apologized.

"no it's okay! I shouldn't hold any of you more, it's already too late. You must be tired," I said, getting my shoes.

I struggled to wear them, Itachi didn't hesitate to bow down and help me wear. I felt goosebumps at the sudden touch, taking me back to the festival day. "I will walk them to the entrance," He said, taking his cardigan once again.

"oh wait! I almost forgot," I turned to look up at Mikoto-san as she took out a container. "Itachi asked me about the hand cream for you. I heard that you liked it and made one for you too!" She handed me it. I thanked her with a soft grin, taking a glance at the container in my hand.

I waved a goodbye in tiny as we left their house. The entire clan seemed to have fallen asleep. The Uchihas had some sorta rules which kept them so elite and well disciplined.

"do you want me to hold him?" He offered.

"I can take him, don't worry," I said, taking a quick look at him. The temperature has dropped alot and the coldness around us was quite enough to shiver.

"it's cold tonight," "hmm," I smiled. Rather than hating the night, I was enjoying it without even knowing. I never knew I would need this type of walk and memory but now that I am experiencing, one of the unwritten things in my bucket list got ticked.

In the midst of my thoughts, I felt a warm soft wool cover my entire shoulder. "Itachi it's okay-" "the season of persimmons is here, do you like them?" He said, making me look at him, as he stared back. He picked a entirely different topic just to avoid my resist.

We took a second before falling onto a quiet restraint laughter. The night got comfortable around us as we came closer to the end of the Uchiha clan. "Thank you once again," He didn't say anything back but smiled.

"If you want me," He paused, turning to face the front gate. I felt a presence too. "so you were here," I took a brief look at Kakashi before turning to face Itachi who didn't look away from Kakashi.

"Thank you for tonight and the dinner too. Here your-"

"Keep it. You will be needing it on your way," He turned to me, batting his eyes softly with a gentle smile. "return when we meet next time,"

I felt hesitant, he assured,"Don't worry. I will run my way back home, is that okay?" I couldn't held back from softly chuckling. "make sure you do," With that, we parted our ways.

"Give him to me, I will hold him," Kakashi offered. My hands were aching so I did as he offered. I pulled the cardigan closer against my skin and felt it's warmth. It had a slight woody with a hint of floral aroma to it, it smelled like him. I felt like a creep to even think like that.

It had a feeling of him in it. As if we were sharing a soft hug. I shook my head lightly, smiling to myself. You moved on from Kakashi that easily y/n? I touched the flushed cheeks of mine, feeling the warmth it had spread across.

It would be creepy of me to fall for someone to whom I am supposed to be an aunt but for being in the same age, that relationship between is rarely noticed.

He's just overly nice to me. Why am I even overthinking? My smile went away with the incoming flood of thoughts. I don't like him. I really don't..

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