Who is she and jealousy (Part 2/3)

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"He stays in room number 306" The gaurd said to her. She nodded, and thanked him before walking up to Win. He noticed his and Team's room card in her hand. Why the fuck did he give her my room card?!

It was something special to them. Team was the only one besides win who could enter his room when he liked, it was a show of love and trust. Now he had given both the keys to this girl Win had never seen before.

"That's mine" He growled pointing to the card with his room number on it.

"Were you the person who was at the park yesterday?" She asked. It seemed like she was trying to control her anger, her voice was normal but she was glaring daggers at Win. In her heels she was about the same height as him.

"That's none of your-"

"Just answer the darned question. Were the one who ran away at the park yesterday? Yes or no?"

Win paused for a second ran away? She phased the sentence like he was in the wrong "Yes. Now give me back my key and where's Team?" Win asked extending his hand. "Its not mine to give to you. He'll give it to you yourself if he wants" She sneered. Win got angry and spoke without thought. Team was his boyfriend, they would sort the problem out in private, right now he was pissed at this womans and jealous.

"I don't know who you are are. But Team is my boyfriend so get away from him."

It seemed like the girl lost her temper too, she stepped forward and pushed Win away harshly "I'd like to see you try" Her voice was angry.

Win felt someone holding him from behind. It was Phruk. By now the gaurd had seen what was happening and had come to intervene "What's happening?"

"Nothing" The girl responded sending Win a last glare before going past him and into the lift.

Win appologised to the gaurd and ran up the stairs leaving a confused Phruk to run behind him.

By the time he reached up the woman had already entered Team's room and closed it. Win went to his room and got the extra key.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asked surprised when Win unlocked and entered inside.

She was packing a pair of clothes into a bag. A pair of underwear, shirt and pants lay neatly folded on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Win asked ignoring her question in a mix of surprise, anger and panic.

"WIN!!" Phruk came huffing up from behind him. The girls eyes widened.

"Y-your Win?"

"Ya" He answered back confused, had Team told her about him? Did he misunderstand things yesterd- Before he could finishe his thoughts she rushed and pushed him again, harder this time, causing him to trip on his feet and fall. He had not expected that. "YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!"

Phruk stepped forward and blocked her way as Win swiftly got up. Looking around, no one had seen anything "What's wrong with you?!" Phruk snapped at the female in the room. "First you flirt with his boyfriend then you assault him!" At that she took several steps backwards

"WHAT?! ME? Flirt with who?!"

"Ya you! We all saw you flirting with Team yesterday-"

"He's my fucking brother!!! Team is my baby brother." She said looking horrified at what Phruk had suggested.

Win and Phruk just stood there slightly open mouthed in shock. Then Phruk glared at win "IDIOT" He mouthed.

"Your his s-sster? But he told me his sister is out of the country" Win stammered.

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