Ghost of you

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Team ran into the rummage, he had drove like a madman when when the call had ended. An hour ago he had been talking to Win, they had been planning their wedding. After seven years of being in a relationship Team proposed to him and Win had agreed with tears flowing down his face.

The young couple had been so bussy with the wedding planning . Only two months were left to the big day! Team was at home, watching TV and making a list of all the friends they were planning to call, while Win had gone to the mall to get supplies. They had been chatting on the phone, deciding who to call and who to not when suddenly there was a disturbance on Win's side followed by multiple screams along with Win's before the line died.

Team tried to call back desperately but he didn't pick up. Suddenly the advertisement ended and the news anchor started speaking loudly, announcing the braking news.

There had been an earthquake. Though it's magnitude was small, a building had collapsed. It was the mall Win had gone to. Short clips of the destruction started to play. Nothing had been left. The whole building had crumbled down into a large heap of concrete. Teams heart stopped beating, he felt tears boil up behind his eyes. No.

No one knew how many people were alive. Team didn't even bother switching off the TV as he took the bike keys, his phone, locked the door and rushed out of the appartment.

Survivors were being rescued from the rummage. Team looked around among the people desperately, for any sign of his love. A worker stopped him "Excuse me, you can't come in here, this area is restricted."

Team held onto the womans arm "I-Im looking for s-someone, I can't find them. He-he's wearing a plane orange shirt, brown hair, has many ear piercings, about this tall" Team fumbled with his words as he described Win in hopes of finding him.

The worker lead him to a row of covered bodies for identification, each sheet Team lifted made him pray that Win wasn't the next. When he didn't find him the lady pointed him to a group of emergency officers, they were incharge of all survivors. Team described Win to them, there was no one like that on the list.

"There are more people being pulled out at the moment, wait and see if you identify him" One man said. Team nodded. He couldn't stand still though, what if Win was bleeding needed him right now?

Hoping against hope to find him, Team volunteered and helped in what he could, lifting up masses of concrete to save the people stuck under them. Helping in proving first aid. Every time he saw a survivor he hoped Win was next and every time they found a body a piece of him died inside praying, begging to God that Win wasnt next.

He had got a call from Dean when he heard the news, Team told him everything that happened, within minutes Dean was onsite too, volunteering alongside Team, praying for his best friend.

It was dark, the floodlights had been set and switched on, most people who were still alive had been saved but there were still a few survivors stuck deep under the rubble who were being rescued. There had been a lot of casualities but there was still no sign of Win. His phone was unreachable, Team was sure it had broken during the fall.

He had cried multiple times that day, tired, scared, desperate. Team watched as another volunteer picked up a little girl who had managed to run away from the camp and onto a mound of concrete to look for her dad. Team had seen her before, the girls dad had passed away but his body was in such a bad condition that the mother couldn't bare to let the girl see it.

As the worker carried the girl away some rocks and things fell off the pile. Team was about to walk away when something told him to look over once. So he did. There was a limp hand sticking out of the pile. The hand had a ring on. An engagement ring. His and Hia Win's engagement ring. Team froze for a second before yelling his lungs out for backup and rushing over to remove the pile of things from on top.

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