Who is she and jealousy (Part 3/3)

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"WHAT!!" Both Win and Team yelled at the same time.

Thanya raised her eyebrows "Baby brother, this time it you were lucky I was there. If I was not you'd be laying knocked out in the lonely place all night until some good person found you and called the ambulance. What if the wrong people had gotten to you first? You think I'm going to let you stay here after this? Mom and Dad might not care but I do."

"Phi please no. I won't go with you! This is my home!"

"I know Team, this is my home too. It's just till your college is over, then you can come back to Thailand if you want"

"Your lying to me aren't you? There's no way you'd actually make such a big decision without asking me." Team said suspiciously

Thanya turned her phone screen to Team.

𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍.

Their eyes Widened.

"I wouldn't have done it before Team. But I think yesterday was enough to change me" Thanya looked at Win "Could you help Team pack his bags? I don't think he'll be able to do it and you probably know his room better than anyone"

"Phi I'm sorry. Please don't take Team away! I-I promise I'll take care of him. What happened was a mistake, it will never happen again" Win pleaded.

"Obviously since he won't be staying here" She shrugged.

Team was about to cry, he had friends here, so many friends, classmates, a boyfriend and memories here. He couldn't leave everything and go. "I don't want to go! I'll be careful next time, I promise!" He cried as he thought about loosing all he had till now.

Thanya rushed to him and wiped his tears away seeing him cry. "Okay, okay. Don't cry Team. You don't have to go you can stay here alright? Just don't cry." Team stopped.

"But you have to promise me to take care of yourself-" Team nodded "-and you!!" Thanya turned to win who gulped "If I hear you hurt Team or he was in any sort of pain because of you there will be no second chances."

Win nodded "I promise it will never happen again Phi"

Phruk also came in, Thanya sat on the sofa, checking when the product she ordered and payed for was going to arrive. Win and Phruk were talking to Team. The conversation was only one way since Thanya had told them both that Team couldn't eat or drink anything for the next few hours and it would be best it he didn't speak and rested.

The nurse came to check on Team. Phruk went back when after some time. Team had asked him not to tell the others about him or he knew Mannaow and Pharm would barge in and maybe even attack Win when they got to know what had happened.

It was 11am, the doctors had given him heavy pain killers for the pain and team had fallen asleep due to them. When Thanya came back from dealing with some hospital papers she smiled at the scene in front of her.

Win had fallen asleep on the chair with his head next to Team on the pillow. While Team who's knees were supported up by pillows because of his back was facing Win and holding one of his hands in his good one. It looked as though he was kissing Win's head.

Thanya took several pictures of the cute position and of Team drooling as he slept to use in the future for blackmailing purposes against him. Thanya hadn't got a wink of sleep last night and had headed to his dorm for an extra change of clothes in the morning. She moved the couch to the other side of Team's bed and rested her head like Win.

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