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Requested by : yizhanzhantaekook

Soulmate AU : The first words your soulmate says to you get permanently tattooed on your body


Win was not in a good mood today. He had stubbed his toe against the table in the morning, ran out of bread, burnt the eggs, had to use the stairs nine storeys down because the lift wasn't working then had to climb back up because he forgot his bike keys. So now he was irritated, hungry and moody.

After his first class was over he headed to the canteen, stomach rumbling. All he wanted to do was go get his breakfast but some guy was blocking his path.

He had black hair with a yellow cap and was eating chips from a packet of lays.

"Move, munchkin" Win grumbled rather rudely

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"Move, munchkin" Win grumbled rather rudely.

The boy turned around to face Win, if it wasn't for his hunger and mood, the senior would would have definitely paid more attention to the owner of those beautiful dark eyes.

"I am a munchkin, thank you for noticing" The boy replied moving out of Win's way and letting the senior pass.

Win sat at his table with his almost finished bowl of Khao Tom staring at the dark haired boy from before who was now sitting on a chair on an empty table, simply scrolling through his phone.

A minute ago he had rolled up his uniform sleeve because his cuff was almost touching his food, only to find the words

'I am a munchkin,
thank you for noticing'

Marked permanently on his skin in black. The more he watched the Junior the more nervous he got, cursing at himself for having been so rude earlier.

Deciding to just go for it he spooned up and ate the last bite before getting up and moving towords the boy.

"H-hey" Win greeted him as he sat down on the chair beside him.

"Hullo, it is I, the munchkin!"

Not knowing what to say Win simply pulled his sleeve up again and showed him his arm. The boy stared at it, a brief look of joy and amusement glowing on his face before the same cheeky and playful look from before came back.

"...This pleases the munchkin"

Win gave a small airy laugh at those words. And just like that he felt all his irritation and anger melt away. He couldn't believe he had finally found him. He found his soulmate. His other half....His munchkin.

The End

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