Best friend to boyfriend

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Win looked at the boy laying next to him on the grass. It was perfect, the orphanage they volunteered at had a large open field in front of it. He and Team would hang out there during their free time. Win glanced back up at the blue. Soft white clouds floated above them.

"What are you thinking about?"



"The new girl who came here today....her parents died in a car accident."

Win turned to his side and propped himself up on his elbow. Teams eyes followed him.

"Your thinking about it again aren't you?"

Win was refering to the accident that Team had been in years ago, the one that had killed his father, the one that had taken his only parent away from him. It's memories had haunted him even in his sleep, giving him nightmares that's when he had met win. The two boys cuddled up together at night.

Win took away Teams nightmares and on the occasions he had them he would hush and soothe Team back to sleep. While Team made win feel wanted, after his step father had abandoned him in front of the orphanage at the age of 11 years Win had a lot of problem adjusting, initially Team was the only one he would talk to.

"I think it happened for a reason Team. Me being left at the orphanage doorstep and meeting you here all those years ago. If all that hadn't happened then maybe we would have never met."

Team smiled "Ya your right."

Win pulled Team up till they were both sitting cross legged in front of each other "From now on I'll be your dad and your mom. I'll be your....Dom!"

Seeing the smirk spreading of Teams face win retraced his words I'll be your dom'


Team burst out laughing, he toppled over in his back as he laughed, soon his sides hurt from how hard he was laughing. Another fit of laughter started when he remembered Wins face when he realised what he said. He looked like a teenager who had been caught watching r rated videos.

When team finally stopped laughing he looked at Win who was doing something between a smile and a pout. Team leaned towards him "Daddy~" the boy called, trying his best not to burst out laughing again when he saw Win's expression. His sides already hurt from laughing.

"Team!!" Win scolded "It's fine because its only me here but don't you dare go around saying that to other people!"

"Why?" Team raised a brow "are you jealous"

Yes. "NO"


Win turned to avoid Team's gaze "Yes really!"

"Hmmm.... Fine then" Win couldn't see the mischievous smile on Team's face.


Later in the afternoon Max, another volunteer at the orphanage was helping clean the kitchen along with Team. Max knew what was happening between Win and Team. Since he had met them 2years ago it was obvious his two idiot friends we're in love, but no matter how much he persued them those two buffonkeys never confessed to each other!!

Earlier that day Max had gone to join them in the field, when he heard Team laughing and evesdropped on the conversation. Win was obviously not fond of the idea of Team calling someone Daddy unless that someone was Win himself.

Max had enough of the sweet talk and flirting around and then saying that they felt nothing for one another. This would end today. Usually Max would have not interfered because every friendship is different and maybe they really were just friends but the only thing was that you don't keep a photo of an only friend in your wallet and then caress it, like win did. And neither did you stare at your friend like they hold your universe like team does.

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