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The animals and insects chirped and sang outside in their nightly tunes as a light breeze caused the leaves on the trees to rustle.

Team moved a little more closer to Win. The lights of all the tents, including theirs, was long put out. The only source of illumination in the whole camp being the faintly glowing embers of the dying bonfire and the calm moonlight pouring down from the night sky.

They had signed up for the camping trip about six months ago and had wanted to attend it together in the holidays. So here they were, laying in their two person tent, in the middle of the forest.

Team couldn't seem to get the image of that night out of his mind...


Earlier, the whole camp had been seated near the bonfire, eating after-dinner snacks and chatting about. The wind was chilly and almost everyone had a blanket wraped around them. Team sat there slowly chewing on his roasted marshmallow. Beside him, Win was keenly looking over his own sweet, baking it carefully atop the fire.

In that minute Team realised, Win looked gorgeous. His tongue poked out a little in concentration, there were streaks of black powder on his face- proof of his  previously burnt treats, new baby hair poked out of his messy bun, his shirt supported a new orange curry stain from dinner earlier. Yet the man looked gorgeous. Etheral even. This would normally be the perfect moment to make fun of Win, so why was his brain acting like this?
Team didn't understand.... Till he finally did.


"Fuck" Team cursed under his breath. He was in love. Team had known he was in love with Win from the past month! He had known but didn't want to believe it. Falling in love with Win would mean heartbreak.

Sure, Win treated him different.....he treated Team like someone special....he shared his bed only with Team, opened his door at 2am only for Team, gave his spare key card only to Team, took no tutoring money only from Team, had a special time only for Team, ate most of his dinners only with Team, irritated only Team, went to this very camp only with Team.

But Win was... Win. He was special, in the past few months he had become really really special to Team. Team fucking loved him. He couldn't risk confessing and loosing all that they had. He wouldn't be able to face the rejection.

Team felt his eyes get teary. He didn't want to loose his hia. He shuffled closer to Win, the elder's back facing him. Win had not moved for quite some time and had been pretty tired too. His must have already slept.

Team lifted his hand, moving it closer till his finger finally touched Win's back. He moved his figer to trace the words I love you

He took in a sharp breath, waiting for any sign that Win might have been awake before releasing it when there was no change.

I love you

He traced it again. Then again. And again. After what felt like the tenth time, Team stopped. No change. Win was still in the same position, breathing softly, not a single waver in his breaths, deep asleep. Team felt a part of him ache.

He turned away and quickly wiped off the tears that were daring to flow out of his eyes. He made a small sniffle, careful not to wake the other up. He couldn't cry. If he cried Win would wake up and Team couldn't possibly explain why he was crying then.

Team now had his back facing Win. He quickly wiped the tears away. Calming and consoling himself that everything was fine. Feeling cold, he pulled the covers higher and curled up inside them.


Win waited till he was sure Team was asleep. He had awoken about half an hour ago to some movement on his back. Realising it was Team and being too lazy to move Win just layed there. He almost fell asleep again, untill he realised Team was tracing a pattern on his back over and over again. The second his brain realised what the letters being traced were, Win found all the sleep leaving his body.

Now, he turned over slowly. Seeing Team curled up under the covers Win automatically moved closer, pressing their bodies together in attempt to share some of his body heat with the cold Junior. Seconds later,  as if unconsciously realising who it was, Team turned back and softly snuggled against him. Win's hand wrapped itself around the younger, resting on his hip.

He smiled down fondly as Team mumbled something in his sleep. Win had planned this whole trip months ago. He had planned all this in order to give the perfect confession to the younger. As a matter of fact he had been planning to confess to Team tomorrow, when they finally reached the 7 spring water fall.

But it seemed that Team had (unknowingly) beat him to it.

"I love you too" He whispered, planting a gentle kiss on sleeping Team's forehead. "I love you so much"

Win smiled. Already knowing the answer to his question tomorrow.

The End.

Look at the chapter picture.
(☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞

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