Blind Love

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Win swung the door open, a big smile adorning his face. He quickly entered the house, placing the heavy shopping bag down before locking the door behind him. Tomorrow was his and Team's 5th year anniversary!

The two had first met in the Caffe Win had been working at. Team was a regular, he'd come either with two of his friends or even alone at times but he always accompanied by a little dog.

The blonde had found himself slowly falling for the brunette. It wasn't love at first sight, no, it was much more gradual, little peeks of his laugh, his hair, his eyes, his voice, the way he looked away sometimes as he smiled, the little snorts when he laughed with his friends. All of these together got Win to fall for him.

Two times Win managed to gather up some courage and write a note on a tissue, telling Team he was cute, and placing it on the tray along with his order before serving it to him at the table. He had been watching anxiously both times, waiting for the brunette's reaction but it was as if Team didn't even notice them!

Then one day when the cafe was basically empty, with the exception of three or four customers, Win held his breath as he went to serve the boy his order.

"Can I help you krap?" The brunette asked when Win didn't leave, several seconds after placing the tray down.

"I- I uh.... I wanted to ask if you were single" Win quickly stammered, internally stabbing himself for sounding like a mess. In his panic he proceeded to add fuel to his humiliation.
"Not for me! friend actually wants to know. Ya, he thinks your really cute. And if you were free for a date sometime- If you don't mind of course! "

Win left the breath he had been holding when Team let out a giggle "Your friend huh? Then tell your friend that I am and would like to speak with him."

As they weren't may people and no new customers entered, Win sat down infront of the man as they began their conversation. It was only then that he got to know that Team was in fact blind. He had been in an accedent a few years ago during which he had lost his mother and his vision. Win turned pink when he realised the reason behind why his tissue notes had gone unnoticed.

While Team had been the one to invite him to sit along he was still sceptical of Win. It had taken the blonde quite some effort into proving his feelings were genuine without sounding like a total creep.

Over the next few weeks they started enjoying some small talk when Team would come in the afternoon's. Win once even had to ho through an interrogation by Team's friends. They seemed to be analysing every move he made. The way the girl (Manow) questioned and scanned him Win felt like a criminal bei g interviewed. Both of Team's friends were obviously very protective if him.

Win had given a total of zero fucks about Teams vision impairment. The more he had got to know the naughty junior the more he ended up liking him. After a year of courting they finally got into a relationship.

Two years later, after a certain incident Win cut off his family and moved in with Team into his small condo. Win soon landed himself a well paying job in a good company and Team earned quite a bit as an online consultant and through his asmr channel.

Just a few months ago the couple had managed to save up enough to buy themselves their own house.

And tomorrow would be their 5th anniversary! Team had taken Latte (dog's name) to the vet that morning, giving Win enough time to grab the bags he had hidden in the garage the previous day and to get a few things ready for tomorrow. After the Vet Team was going out for lunch with his friends, so Win knew the man was not going to be back before evening.

He picked the bag back up and strode forward, letting out a small grunt when he hit his thigh on the sharp edge of the new table. Cursing it in his mind Win moved to keep the bag in the kitchen. As soon as he placed the bag on the counter a thought made him freeze in place.

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