From another place (Part 2)

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This is a continuatuon of - From another place (Part 1)

To understand this chapter better you may have to re-read it's previous part♡


Prem stirred awake, he felt like puking, a sick nauseating feeling growing in his gut. As he opened his eyes all the memories came back to him - Boun telling him a wierd story and then the storm and the cloud before everything went white.

Where was he?

He slowly sat up, he was on a bed in a room he had never seen before. A wave of nausea flowed through him again when he quickly got up to his feet. His vision going black for a few long seconds, Prem held the pole of the bed to keep his balance till he could see properly again.

He was still wearing the same clothes as he had on that night the only difference was that they were dry, he looked around the room for Boun but there was no trace of him

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He was still wearing the same clothes as he had on that night the only difference was that they were dry, he looked around the room for Boun but there was no trace of him. Prem went to the windows trying to see where he was, he couldn't believe what he was seeing
Waves...... He was in the middle of a fucking ocean?!

Panicking the first thing that came to his mind was human trafficking even though it made no sense.

God, was this a dream?

He pinched himself, it hurt but the pain wasn't enough to convince him he wasn't dreaming. Prem didn't know where the strength came from but he punched himself in the stomach, bending over immediately in pain. Okay bad decision, he coughed.
This wasn't a dream.... "Prem!" He turned on hearing Boun's voice. The large door behind him closed on its own with a hiss at the last as his faen walked towords him. "Your awake! How are you fee-"

"You little shit, just you come here!"


Boun yelped and backed away as a seemingly pissed off Prem quickly moved towords him. "Are you stupid? You ca- can't go out in the middle of a-" He stumbled because of a sudden wave of dizziness that took over, Prem tripped over his feet and fell down. Boun rushed to support him onto a sitting position.

"How are you feeling? What's wrong?!" Boun panicked seeing him struggle "Ca-cant breathe"

He couldn't breathe! It was as if there wasn't enough air round him. He watched, helplessly trying to heave in air, as Boun lifted his hand and something came flying into it. The next thing he knew Boun had a glass put to Prem's lips telling him to drink.
Having no choice, Prem did.

Prem sat on the chair with Boun sitting on the one in front of him. It was real, it was all real. Boun really was a prince.

"I still don't get the cloud part though" Prem said, he was concerned by the fact that even though he was in a different planet his mind wasn't ringing any alarms, on the contrary he felt excited.

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