Pillow 🌶 (WinTeam smut)

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He wrapped one arm around the youngers stomach gently, kneading his hip. Win made another small thrust up words just as Team came down, making him moan again.

"Aaaah.... mnngh-"

Their sweaty bodies moved aginst each other. Win's chest to Team's back. The elder spread his legs, causing Teams legs to move further apart too.
"Aaahh....oh god!...so tight- Ahh..."

He squeezed Team's thigh as the Junior clenched his asshole. "Yes baby... Oh yes!Your being so good for me Aahhh, just like that- fuuck"

Team thrusted himself all the way back down, grinding against Win making him moan louder. Feeling the cock pulsing inside him as it stretched his insides.

"Ah... Does hia like thi-"

Team stopped speaking when he felt win's hand on his neck, he didn't aply any pressure instead just placed it there. "You know that's not what your supposed to call me baby, next time you're gonna get punished. Understand?"

Win held the Junior down, not allowing him to move when he hummed "use your words love, let me hear that beautiful voice"

"Yes master"

Win planted kisses on his neck "Good boy" Team whined when he felt Win pull out and lift him up. He put Team down on the bed. The younger turned around so that he lay on his stomach, he shifted his weight to his elbows and knees and lifted his hips up so his bottom was elevated.

Win Kneaded Team's ass cheeks for a few seconds, rubbing them is circles before spanking his right cheek.
He gently massaged the now red cheek, leaning down to trace kisses up Team's back to his neck and up his jaw till the Junior turned and they pressed their lips together.

They continued to make out as Win spread Team's ass cheeks apart. The boy stopped kissing back and waited as he felt Win press the head of his cock against his hole.

Impatient, Team tried moving back to take it in but was only rewarded with another spank on his left cheek. This made him stop his movements.

Win gently massage the reddening cheeks. He left more kisses on Team's neck and shoulder while pressing up against his hole, just teasing him, the tip of his cock straining to push inside.

Finally, he roughly pulled Team back by his hair to lay his head on Win's shoulder. "Are you ready baby?" He teases, simply sliding his cock with the precum gathered on his cock at Team's ass without entering.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" He whispered lightly biting Team's earlobe "Do you want this dick up your ass? Want me to fuck you till you can't take it anymore? Huh? Do you want me to fill you with my cum till it spills out of your pretty little asshole?"

Team closed his eyes and leaned his head further against Win as the dirty talk further turned him on. His cock twitched as win continued to speak "Do you want it baby?! Answer me. Do you want me to fill you with this big dick? To ride your ass like no one else ever will?!!"

"YES!" Team couldn't hold back anymore "Fuck me master! Fill me with your cock, ride me till I cum. Please! Fuck me!"

Landing another kiss on his neck Win gently slid his cock back into Team's hole, filling him up inch by inch. Win bit down hard on the skin at the back of Team's neck with soft gentle nips to follow through. Peppering his shoulders with little love bites as he fucked him slowly.

"You feel so amazing babe... Aahhh~.... you're taking my cock so good. Mmmh~ So good baby." Win moaned into the junior's ear as he kept thrusting in and out.

Team rose on his elbows, lust and pleasure had taken over all senses in his body, all he wanted to think about was getting fucked. "Fuck me ahh~ faster.... Ah~ mmh~ please master faster. Please fuck me fast- aahhh~ mmmmh~ Ye-ess~" Team moaned as the senior went faster.
He could feel his length moving in an out of his ass, hitting the deepest parts of him, making him gasp for air before pulling back and diving right back in.

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