Kitchen 🌶 [WinTeam]

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Warning :
※ Smut
※ Slowburn


It was still considerably early when Team woke up. He sighed as he felt the back of his neck wet with sweat, indicating that he had forgotten to turn on the air conditioning before going to sleep last night.

Rubbing his eyes and moving his sleeping boyfriends arm from ontop of him, he sat up looking for the AC remote. Finally finding it on the bedside table, he switched the device on.

After a few seconds of waiting, Team sighed as cold air started taking over the room, brushing his bangs from his face, he loked down to see Win sleeping peacefully and less sweaty than him, since he -unlike Team- had slept shirtless.

Hia had been really tired after the crazy week they had, one job after another, not giving them time to breathe properly. Team wasn't complaining, it was great to have so many events and fests in college, but it was also tiring, especially for his senior who was activy helping in all the last minute and decoratory preperations.

Wanting to let the blonde rest, Team carefully got out of bed and quietly closed the bedroom door before heading to the kitchen. The two of them were alone in Win's apartment, which was great since the younger one planned to make a nice breakfast so he could wake the older one up with some breakfast in bed.

Team took longer than he had planned to get everything ready but that was fine because it gave more time for his hia to rest and he had so show managed to do everything well, even finding a small vase with flowers to place in the center of the tray. He carefully took everything to the bedroom. Team sighed in releaf when he entered the now cooled room.

He had made a coffee for hia, orange juice for himself along with four toasts, four sausages and two bouls of Khao Tom.

He smiled when he saw Win all curled up under the blankets, sleeping like a baby. Team left the tray on the table beside the bed and sat on the edge of it. He bent down and blew into the seniors ear, making him stir.

"Wake up hia" He whispered, this only made Win frown and pull the covers up and over his head as he whined about sleeping for 5 more minutes.

Team was having none of it, he threw his hands on the sleeping man and started to shake him awake. He hadnt made all of this for nothing!!
"Come on, I made you coffee!!"

Win let out another grunt, but hearing about coffee got him peeking out from beneath the blankets. Team watched as the blanket was slowly pulled down, reveling the messy dark hair.

"Come on, up." The youngest waited as Win dramatically used all his strength and skill, to sit up and brush the hair from his face - revealing his eyes that were swollen from sleep.

Team picked up the tray and placed it between the two of them who were now seated on the bed facing each other. Win yawned and rubbed his eyes, finally managing to open them and focuson what was in front of him.

"Wow, you did a lot." He said impressed, looking at Team who was smiling proudly and already helping himself to a glass of orange juice and toast.

"You have to replenish your energy na." Team said, taking a large bite of his sausage. Win smiled looking at his boyfriend eat.

"Thank you" He said as he took the bowl of Khao Tom from Team's hand, he took the youngers hand in his other and placed a kiss on it. Team chuckled and smiled sheepishly, as he returned to his own bowl, earning a smirk from Win at his shyness.

Both of them ate in comfortable silence. Only few comments about the food and questions about how Win was feeling after being sick the day before broke the silence. Once they finished eating, they arranged the dirty dishes. Win was the first to get up, raising his arms in the air and streaching his body.

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