Bruises (2/2)

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Team crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at Mew "Why did you call me here?"

Mew had told him to come and meet in a nearby restaurant "Prefect then let's get straight to the point" The other said after giving his order to the waiter.

After the waiter left, Mew took his phone out and slid it towards Team who looked down at the paused video on the screen. He wanted to snatch the phone and throw it away but knowing Mew this was probably not the original copy of the video.

"What's this supposed to mean Mew? Are you trying to threaten me or something? Because it's not going to work, I know the person there isn't hia."

The other man gave a short smile "Don't you trust him a little too much? If this video accedently gets out, everyone is going to think it's him, good luck convincing them. What's going to happen then? Now, I want to make a deal with you"

Team unfolded his hands, fighting to urget to pull Mew by the collar and punch him again.

"All you have to do is make sure P'Win does a little badly on the upcoming exams, then I'll hand the file over"

"WHAT?!" Team yelled, catching himself and gave apologetic nods to the people on the other table before turning back to Mew "What the fuck Mew?! Whats wrong whith you? Why would I do- why do you want me to do that?"

Out of all the things he had imagined Team hadn't thought of this. Why would he care about how Hia does in his exams?

"Keep your voice down before I leak this video of your boyfriend on social media." He threatened in a low voice, earning another glare from Team.

Mew took the phone back and pocketed it in his jeans "You see my baby is working really hard for the exams. And Win is by boo's competition. Is it wrong if I want to give the love of my life a gift?"

Gulf. He was Mew's boyfriend. The couple was pretty famous on campus. But unlike Mew his partner wasn't as much of an asshole. He was even friends with Win. Gulf had a temper, sure but Team knew he wouldn't resort to such work.

"Does P'Gulf know about this?"

"No and he doesn't have to either, it's my surprise"

Team smiled "Delete that file or I'm going to tell him"

"Ya, who do you think he's going to believe Team" Mew scoffed "Now stop with this and get to the point. Are you going to get the work done or should I upload-"

"Fine" Team said through gritted teeth. He didn't know what he was going to do, all he knew is if that clip got out it wouldn't be good. "Delete that first. I don't know how many copies-"

"I alway keep my promises Team. You know that. Once the marks are out I'll delete all the copies of it" They quieted down as the food arrived.

"Why?" Team asked, hoping to guilt trip him out of this

"What why?"

"Why would you want to hurt someone? Don't you trust that P'Gulf can do it without your so called help?"

Team didn't know if he imagined it but he thought he saw hesitance in Mew's expression "Shouldn't you trust that P'Gulf can do it on his own-"

"Shut up." Mew growled, not letting Team finish "I trust him and I don't have to explain it to you. I just want to make sure he's happy. If you want the same for Win then just do as I said"


Win gripped his spoon tighter as he heard the conversation happening on the other side of the restaurant's thin wooden barrier separating the two tables.

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