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When people are born, the are assigned a soulmate. They have an original song or melody in their head that only them and their soulmate know. The lyrics can be of a foreign language or from a language that doesn't exist. It can just be a tune or the words can have no meaning at all.

But every song is special and different. If one soulmate dies the other soon follows even if they haven't met each other. If alive, everyone eventually meets their destined one, not wanting to wait till they grow old and loose time everyone keeps searching for their person.

♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬☆♬○♩●♪✧♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

Prem sat in his office, it was 9pm , by this time he would usually be home but due to circumstances the project they were assigned had been preponed to launch in one week instead of three weeks later.

Everyone had stayed back. He had started this gaming company two years ago, it wasn't big or popular but well off enough for all the employees to got paid well. There were only 13 people including him so everyone was close to each other.

Prem got out of his cabin to get coffee. Everyone was taking shifts working and sleeping. Bank and Jennie had gone down to bring the take out. The only meeting room had been cleared and mats had been placed for people to sleep.

It had been four days, no one left the building other than to get necessities. They had all worked hard for this project and refused to let it go because of the postponement.

Prem entered the break room to find Boun, their new recruit, sitting by the table and typing in programs. He had joined two months ago. Ever since he came Prem couldn't explain it......there was a wierd unexplainable attraction he had towords the male. According to his resume, the man was a year elder than Prem and had been working in another town before he came here.

"Why are you sitting here?" Prem asked casually, walking towords the snack counter to grab a sachet of instant coffee.

The sudden voice startled Boun as he jumped in his seat, looking back at him with wide eyes. Prem stopped himself before he laughed at the reaction.

"Oho, don't scare me like that..... I find this seat more comfortable to work on." Boun said calming down when he saw who it was. His eyes widened when he caught himself wanting to get up and hug Prem from behind. It your boss Boun!! He scolded himself.

He had stayed single all his life, waiting for his soulmate, saving himself for his other half and now he found himself falling for his his boss!

"....When did you last sleep?" Prem asked concerned by the circles under Boun's eyes.

"I took a nap some time ago, don't worry" He lied smiling as he continued to type in the programe.
Boun wanted to talk more but refrained from doing so because of how difficult he found it to keep his hands to himself when this man was around.

"Okay. Just don't overwork yourself like Aryan" Prem warned walking out of the room.

(Six hours later:-      )

Prem stood up and stretched as he finished working on the last graphics file with Jennie and Boom. Jennie took the files outside.

Just as the door closed Prem stumbled forward and cursed at Boom when the man gave his back a strong slap. "You deserve that. When was the last time you slept?"

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