Mine now (1/2)

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"Okay! My turn!" Jim spinned the bottle and it's mouth landed on Boun.

Loud music blasted through through the club, it was Sammy's birthday party, while the others drank, danced and did other things, a group of people including the birthday girl herself sat around a table playing a game of truth or drink. Most of the members on the table were either drunk or tipsy.

"Boun! Hmmm let me think na...." Jim spoke, closing his eyes as if trying to come up with something.

"Oh I know!" He jumped in his seat

"Go for it baby toes" Boun teased knowing the later hated that name. The tipsy man frowned and changed his question for revenge.

"Are you in love with anyone on this table?"

"Jim!" His girlfriend smacked him across the back of his head.

All eyes glanced at Boun and Mike. Mike was his ex, the two had broken up a month ago. It wasn't surprising, the break up had been coming from a long time - it was obviously the two had lost feelings for one another plus Mike had been cheating on Boun with a girl from his class. The very next day after their breakup he had started openly dating her.

Boun blushed at the question, he knew his best friend was sitting right beside him. His best friend....the one he had been in love with for years, the only one who he would listen to, the only person who was always there for him. Boun had been dreaming of confessing and being in a relationship with him but was too scared to ruin what they had now.

So instead he tried to distract himself by dating people that looked similar to Prem thinking that maybe it was just bodily attraction but it never worked out, no matter how handsome or beautiful his partners were they could never give him the same feeling of safety and butterflies that he got from Prem.

Through his drunken haze he didn't realise that everyone saw his flustered face nor that he was now smiling like a love lost idiot. "Mmm" He hummed, leaning back on the couch. "I am"

Boun didn't notice the shock on some of his friends faces nor the way Prem's fingers curled up into tight fists beside him till the were white.

"Now my chance!" He cheered as they continued to play.


"I think we'll be going now" Prem informed Sammy as he supported his drunk 'best friend' on his side. Unknown to him Boun wasn't as drunk as he acted, he was behaving that way so he could be closer to Prem.

They hugged and Prem wished her again, promising to meet in their usual spot in the canteen on Monday.

Prem had one hand supporting Boun's waist and the other holding the hand that was around his neck as he helped the stumbling guy outside and towords the parking. They lived in the same building so always travelled together, it was a rule that when one drank the other would not so one of them could be the designated driver and this time it was Prem's chance.

When they sat in the car Prem couldn't help himself anymore. "Boun?..... BOUN?"

"Hmm" Boun took in a breath when he turned to the side, Prem was so close to him it made his heart race, he felt a belt slide across his chest as Prem buckled him up.

"When Jim asked of you love someone you said yes" Prem got straight to the point, knowing there was no other way to work things out with the blonde "...are you still in love with Mark?"

Boun's eyes widened, it was then that he realised how much of a misunderstanding what he had said could become. "No! I don't! I don't even like Mark!" He blabbered quickly.

"Then who is it?"


Prem held his hand "Tell me who it is, it's okay. I'll always be with you na.....Who is it?"

"You" Boun blurted before he could stop himself.

By the time here realised it, it was already too late, might as well come clean.
"I- I love you Prem. I've loved you for years but I could never confess because I was too scared it'll creep you out and you won't want to be friends with me anymore but now I'm saying it - and I don't know why. It's probably because I'm drunk. I really shouldn't drink at all. But its okay if you don't love me back, please dont break our friendship, don't be wierd with me. I can remain as your best friend my whole life but please- please dont be weirded out. I really love you but I-"

His panicked explanation was cut of by Prem's lips on his, a hand at the back of his head pulled him in closer. Three seconds later Prem broke the kiss and Boun took in a deep breath.

Prem giggled as butterflies fluttered in his stomach "I love you too idiot."

"So... So will you be my boyfriend?" Boun asked hopefully, only to be trapped in a bone crushing hug by the other.

"Yes...Yes...Yes" Prem pecked his lips between every word. Minutes later they were on the way back to the apartment.

"Just please dont change your words when your not drunk " He mumbled under his breath but Boun heard him.



"I won't change my words na...I've been in love with you for three years. Now I finally have you, your mine na, I'm not going to let you go"

Prem was confused about the three years part but decided to ask Boun in the morning, when he was fully sober.


When Prem woke up he found his bed empty, he called out for Boun but there was no response. He clearly remembered his bestfriend clutching onto his shirt and hugging him close to himself last night as they fell asleep. Did he regret it now? Had he decided he didn't like Prem? That it was all an intoxicated mistake?

The thoughts made his chest hurt, he placed a hand over his heart as he rushed out of the room, wanting to go to Boun's room and sort things before it was too late but on his way out the door he bumped into Boun who had a plastic bag in his hand.

Prem immediately wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him closer, not wanting to let go. Surprised, Boun weaved his fingers through the dark locks. "What? Did you think I ran away?" Boun mused. He was amazed by how much he loved Prem and how oblivious the boy was about his feelings.

"I won't run away silly. I went out to get congee." Boun reassured "Yesterday you said yes to being my boyfriend so now your stuck with me, I'm not gonna leave you even if you push me away"

Prem didn't let go.

Not able to help himself anymore Boun buried his face in the man's neck and took in his familiar scent, he placed gentle kisses on the crook of his neck before murmuring a few words into his ear.

Prem shuddered as he felt Boun's lips move on the shell of his ear "Your mine now teerak and I'm yours... None of us can run away. You're mine forever"

Boun pulled back with a smile walking towords the table and putting down the bag. He smiled wider seeing that Prem was still standing in the doorway. The blonde was well aware of the effect he had on the boy.

He felt an excitement in his chest knowing he was the reason it had happened. "Why don't you go freshen up? I'll set the table till them" Boun prompted.

"Y-ya" Prem stammered rushing to the bathroom, trying to hide the visible tent in his pants. The smile never left the blonde's face even as he set the table how could anyone be so adorable and horny at the same time?

To be continued.....

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