You mess with the meow meow, you get the POW! POW!

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So this chapter includes cross overs with other bl actors and characters . Let's begin!! ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The boys giggled as they watched everyone inside go nuts .

Background summary : Team had proposed to Win ( who obviously said yes ) and to celebrate the occasion he and Win decided to hold a 3 day party/get together with all their friends. The venue being one of Win's family resorts. Initially the couple was a little concerned if their friends would mingle or not - turned out that they all vibed together perfectly. Pharm, Apo, Off and Tay got a little drunk and thought that it would be hilarious to mess with pregnant Manaow's snacks.
Manaow was in her first trimester and extremely irritable. The 4, being the trouble makers they were wanted to mess with the woman and decided to pull a harmless and subtly irritating prank on her. They had his all her snacks in the bottom cabinet, under the sink, of the villa a few of them were sharing.

Currently, they were kneeling outside the villa and peeping in from the main hall's window. Watching on as Manaow had the whole place turned upside down while searching for her treasure. Pruk seemed more worried than Manaow herself as he threw all the pillows and searched every nook and crany for her snack bag. Win, Dean and New were helping them search - while Team had been dragged away to be interrogated by Manaow as her prime suspect.

-15 minutes later-

"FOUND IT!!" Pruk yelled from the kitchen. Pharm, Tul, Apo and Off watched as everyone, including Manaow, rushed to the place. The boys outside made their way to the kitchen window and listed in on the happenings.

Dean : "wow...."

New : "Why is it here?!"

Pruk : "I don't know!"

Team : "See! I told you I was innocent!"

Manaow : "Don't look at me like that...I didn't move it out of the room!"

Team : "Then did the bag grow legs and hide here by itself?!"

Win : "Calm down, maybe you guys kept it here by accedent and forgot? It's okay-"

Manaow : "I didn't even touch the bag!"

"....... " "......." "......."

Team : "Stop suspecting me!! If I took it THEN I WOULD HAVE EATEN EVERYTHING ALREADY!!"

Win : ....He does have a point. If Team took it then there would be nothing left-

By now, the drunk idiots outside were rolling with laughter. Their dazed minds forgetting to keep quiet as the held their stomach and howled , heaving for breaths.


They pause their rolling and looked up. The kitchen window was now open and everyone was looking down at them. They all held eye contact for a solid 3 seconds before the culprits started laughing and rolling again.

(Inside the villa)

A shiver ran down Win's back as he turned to see Manaow smile at the idiots outside. It was the sort of smile that he never wanted to recive. A silent promise of revenge.

They watched silently as Manaow simply turned and walked out of the kitchen, heading towords her room. Once she was out of view, the men sighed and closed the window. Pruk was about to pick the snack bag when they all froze.

Coming from the direction Manaow had gone was the most loud, sinister and evil laugh any of them had ever heard.

Win : *slowly shuffles towards Team and grabs his arm* *fearful whispers* We're sleeping with the lights on tonight and and your holding me real tight. No room for argument.

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