Vampire's revenge (part2/2)

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They stood outside the small abandoned looking house. Win was accompanied by 7 more members of his clan. The granddaughter of the Grand elder had the power to see the events that had taken place in the past. When he was informed that one of his clan members had been found half dead, he had sent her to the place to find out about it.
Rogue vampires - They are vampires with a special kind of evil, unlike normal vampires who are loyal, they will easily turn on their own kind and are generally loners. They prefer to stay away from others and usually live longer and are stronger too. They have no sense of respect for the rules.

Two rogues. Two rogues had killed a human for feeding, just as they were getting rid of the body, they saw Team standing in the shadows. He had seen everything. They attacked him. There was a fight. Both sides were wounded but the rogues were stronger and had caused much more dammage to the younger. Team managed to knock them out and run but got caught, that's when Manaow came.

Another clansmen had helped to track their location. The eight of them would be enough to take the Rogues down. By attacking a their member the two had already signed enmity with them. As they neared the place Win found himself being held back by 3 of his people. That's when he started playing attention to his surroundings. He could hear voices from inside.

"-we'll get inside when the gaurd is low and end him."

"You do nothing! Last time you let him slip. I'll go and kill that little vampire. You stay here."

"Are you forgetting who was the one suggested we have our fun in killing him slowly? Your arrogant ass got us caught off gaurd"

"As if you didn't like it! I saw you enjoy cracking his bones and waiting for them to heal before doing it again-"

They are talking about Team, win realised. He found anger rising inside him like a tsunami he could no longer control. They were talking about his love. The man who had promised to stay by his side for eternity.

Red and black took over his vision for a second and when he returned Win felt stronger, stong enough to take down an entire army. His senses and focus were ever sharper than before, his whole body screamed for him to do one thing:
RIP THEM APART. Hurt them like they dared to hurt your mate. Take his revenge.

In one push Win detached all the arms holding him back. He broke the door and got into the house, immediately spotting one of the men and punching him before he had the chance to react. His blows were fast, impossibly stong, even for a vampire. He was thrown off the man by the other. The force sent him flying across the room and slamming against the concrete wall. Cracks were formed due to it's impact. But Win got back up and dusted it of like it was no more than getting hit by a leaf.

His other seven clansmen entered the room, their eyes widened. One look at him and they knew they were no longer needed. Win could take down the two rogues on his own without any help. Instead they had to call for backup so they could detain Win after the rogues were dead. Win, had gone under blood rage.......

It had been 3 days since Team was awake, 4 days since he had been attacked and 3 days since Win was locked in the special cell. Today Team would finally get to meet him. A few hours after he had properly woken up he started asking about Win, he noticed there was something wrong with the way everyone was reacting.

Finally they told him everything that had happened. Hia had gone into blood rage and ripped the two rogues apart for what they had done to team. Team was shocked not because of what Win had done to them but by the fact that he was in blood rage.

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