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Team looked out of the window. He was angry with win, not angry exactly more like pissed irritated. For some unknown reason Win had been irritating him since yesterday morning.

Interrupting him when he was playing games, randomly hitting the back of his head or pulling his cheeks, calling Team after he had sat down for stupid things like getting water or passing the remote or asking where his socks were when they were on the table, right in front of him!

Now they were driving to have dinner with Teams parents and stay there for the weekend. It had almost been seven months since Team had physically met them. He had graduated three years ago and now lived with Win in an apartment that was near to their workplaces. They both had come out to their families and had their support.

After win parked the car in the parking team huffed and got out, opening the trunk to get the fruits and bags from behind. Win helped him unload the things.


They all sat around the table having dinner. Team's two elder sisters had come over too. One of them was married and had a three year old child Mek, who was watching TV at the moment. As they all continued to chat one of his sisters noticed something on his arm. "Team, how'd you get that bruise on your hand?"

Team was about to answer when an idea formulated in his mind .Yesterday team had side slammed his hand to the edge of the wall. He was looking somewhere else while walking and failed to notice the wall in front of him. Now there was a bruise on that area. He had his sleeves rolled up to prevent then from getting stained while eating, exposing the bruise.

Team changed his expression, his smile faded as he quickly pulled his sleeves back down again "Oh it's nothing phi, I hit a wall" He said quickly, not providing any further information. He continued eating.

Win looked at Team waiting for him to tell his family what happened but his boyfriend resumed his eating, looking down at his plate. WTF?! Explain it to the Teaamm.Win felt everyone's gaze on the table go from Team to his arm to Win's fist. Seriously Team! Win gave them a smile and they all continued to eat.

Team hid his smile. Oh he wasn't done yet. After a minite or two he covered his mouth and started coughing, making it seem like he had choked in his food. Being with Win from the past years, Team alredy knew how he would react. Win turned to him and moved his hand to pat Team's back. The moment Win's hand came towards him Team's eyes widened a little and he flinch away, immediately regaining his composure afterwards.He knew if not everyone then atleast his sisters and Win had noticed his reaction.

What the hell?! Why did Team flinch from him? And infront of his WHOLE FAMILY!! Win patted his back untill he stopped coughing and handed him a glass if water. From the periphery of his vision he could see everyone on the table looking at team. "Oi, how many time have I told you to eat slowly team" His mom scolded.

"Mmm, ya ma i know I know" Team croaked out.

When Win faced back in front he noticed both his sister-in-laws looking at him. Great.

As Win finished his food Team finally made eye contact with him. Win raised his eyebrows questioningly, team simply smirked before taking his plate and going to the kitchen. It didn't take Win long to figure out what was happening. That little-

"Win?" P'Aria said once they were alone in the kitchen "I need to have a talk with you, let's speak privately after the movie is over" The older woman gave him a smile and walked away.


After clearing the table they all sat in the living room to watch a movie. "Team clear the misunderstanding your making" Win whispered half an hour into the movie. The younger man had been pulling his sleeves down, something he never did thus gaining attention back to his bruise. He had even flinched away slightly when Win had sat next to him on the couch. Thankfully no one but Win had seen it.

"First apologise and say you won't irritate me again and that Team is the most handsome and best boyfriend ever" Team whispered back.

"No" Win grumbled

"Okay then, good luck explaining everything to P'Aria afterwards" He smirked. He knew Win was intimidated by his eldest sister.

Win's eyes widened for a second before he instantly gave up "Okay fine sorry, I won't irritate you again."

"Team is the most handsome and best boyfriend I could ever ask for" The younger prompted.

Win sighed "Team is the most handsome and best boyfriend I could ever ask for."

A victorious grin spread across Team's face "Awe thank you hia" He teased before getting up and sitting with his sisters on the other sofa "You don't need to talk with him now" He murmured.

P'Arya shook her head, smiling "Your evil Team."

Team: "Ya, like you didn't agree to join my plan"

P'Tina : "Shut up. I'm trying to watch the movie!"

The End

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