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Team had been acting strange lately. Something was obviously going on, but Win had no idea what it was. A few days ago he had spotted Team and Pharm chatting about on a table, their conversation however came to an abrupt end as soon as they saw Win walking towards them.
It was obvious from their awkward smiles and baseless topic of if a chips packet should be opened from the top or bottom, that they had changed the topic on his arrival.

He'd been smiling a lot too. He'd let Win cuddle him at night, not pushing off, kicking or swatting away the senior's limbs. Even the number of kisses Win recieved from him had increased. While this all sounded good, it scared the shit out of him.

Why was Team suddenly behaving like this? Confused, he decided to search it up.

According to most of the sites on the internet, when your partner suddenly starts getting affectionate it could be because they're cheating on you. That they're being good to you out of a sense of guilt. He had closed the sites sighing, they were all useless. Team would never cheat on him.

He was sure of it.

Yet even though he had been so sure, he could feel that trust wavering a little as he closed Team's dorm door behind him.

They had decided to meet in the Junior's room at 11am. But he had woke up earlier for some reason and finding himself getting bored, had decided to go two hours early.

The senior's eyes widened as he scanned the room. Wtf had Team been doing? Rose petals were scattered on the ground. As Win scanned the dorm, he froze.
Clothes, he recognised as Team's, we're thrown on a ground and another set - hoodie and shorts - lay thrown on the sofa. Win knew all of his clothes and the second set definately wasn't his boyfriend's.

Just then the sound of the shower stopped, Win picked up the foreign clothes, they didn't even smell like Team, instead they smelled like men's colone.

Sensing Team was probably going to come out any minute Win looked around and got all the facts together :

1) There were roses on the ground
2) The bed sheets were unmade
3) There were a strangers clothes in Team's room

What the fu*k.

The mere thought of Team sharing a bed with someone else infuriated him. His heart hurt. Was that man in the washroom with Team? Were they washing together after waking up?

Win couldn't stop the images from playing in his mind. Team tangled in bed with someone else, being held by the faceless person, cuddling them, giggling, smiling, moanin- NO!

Team couldn't possibly! Anger rose as he heard the bathroom door open.


Team stood there, mouth agape, hand frozen midway while drying his hair.
He seemed to quickly snap out of it though, panicking as Win glared at him.

"Hia! What are you doing here? We were not supposed to meet until 11!!"

"What is this Team?" He asked darkly

The younger's eyes widened as Win shook the sweatshirt in his hand.

"H-hia" Team stammered hanging the towel on his shoulder. "You- you weren't supposed to see this yet" He sounded disappointed.

There was a sharp pang of pain in Win's heart, it suddenly took him a great amout of effort not to cry. "Team." He tried keeping his voice as stable as possible, forcing himself to sound more angry than hurt.

"What is this?"

The younger sighed, shoulders slumping "It's a hoodie hia"
The fact that Team looked disappointed pissed Win off. Did he seriously not care?!! Was this some sort of joke?!

"Yah it's a hoodie. I can see that! " Win snapped "Who's hoodie?"

Team's brows furrowed at Win's tone, almost as of he was surprised. Then his eyes widened, as if the situation finally downed on him.

"Hia! No! You're misunderstanding-"

"Just answer me Team. Who's. Hoodie. Is. This? "

The younger sighed, taking a step towards the senior "It's yours-"

Win held up a hand, stopping Team in his place. He scoffed and glared at his boyfriend "Do you seriously thing I wouldn't recognise it if it was mine? Plus it smells like another man's colone. Have you been seeing someone behind me?"

"WHAT! NO! Hia I would never!"

Win felt himself calm down a little at Team's denial. Even though all odds were against him, was willing to hear the boy's explanation. He was desperate to hear the boy's explanation. He took in a deep breath before looking up at his faen.

"Then explain."

"I wanted to surprise you with a romantic date Hia! I was walking with the bowl of petals when I tripped and they fell every where! I got irritated and went to take a bath before continuing the preperation but then you came before I had the chance!"

Win looked into his faen's eyes, he didn't look like he was lying but his explanation sounded so weak......... "That still doesn't explain the clothes" He said I tipping his head at the hoodie and shorts.

"They're your anniversary gifts"

Win chuckled "Anniversary gif-" His eyes widened to the the size of saucers as the words sunk in "A-Anniversary? Anniversary gift- Oh baby happy anniversary!" He stammered remembering the date. Fuck.

Realisation suddenly struck Team and he was not happy "You forgot?!"

Win swallowed, changing his body demeanor immediately "Did I forget?"
Yes. "No. No. How could I forget our anniversary? I was just surprised when I saw your room like this."

Team didn't buy a word he said. He folded his hands and glared at Win "Really? Then where's my anniversary gift hia?"

Win was panicking, alarms ringing his head "Gift? Gift! Ah yes..... I - I uh bought you so many things!" He scanned his mind frantically for any cover up but came out blank. "S-Starting with this hoodie?" He held up the soft cloth towords team, eyes guilty.

Win saw Team glaring at him knew he was done for........ He could already picture himself spending the next whole week if not month coaxing his lovely faen.
God save him.

The End

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