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Team closed his book with his finger still on the page, he tried to repeat what he had just read. "The Bank of Thailand's mission is to provide a stable financial environment for.......for sustainable.....for sustainable..... Agghhhh!!"

Team lost his patience, he couldn't take this anymore!! Nothing was going into his head and he had a test on this chapter tomorrow. Frustrated he got up from his seat, causing it to fall down with a loud thud and threw the book accross the room, it landed on his bed. He growled again stomping upto his bed, needing to release the tension and anger he started punching the matress before he grabbed a throw pillow from the side and started slamming it against the marble floor with all his strength.

Finally feeling a little better he stopped and tossed the still intact pillow back onto the bed. Team layed down, sideways on the cool floor, suddenly feeling irritated and sad for no reason. Maybe today was just a bad day.

A few seconds later he heard his door handle turn. Team turned around surprised. The door was open partly and a certain half blond haired senior was peeking inside.

"What are you doing here Hia?" Team asked getting up and leaning against his bed Win entered and closed the door behind him.

"My dorm is below yours Team" He said as if stating a point. Team felt himself getting irritated again.


Win put on his usual playful smirk before sitting on the bed beside Team and looking down ant the Junior seated on the ground. "So I came to check if you were really trying to break my cealing and come down..... How much noise were you making ai uan!!" He said the last part while ruffling Team's hair.

This only further irritated the Junior. Win could only stare as the next events happened in a flash, Team let out a growl as he smacked his hand off with a loud slap, getting up to push Win away.

The senior didn't even have time to react, he was surprised with how much force his faen had used as he was practically shoved to his back.

"Don't touch my hair Hia!!" Team yelled stepping away from the bed. He was really having a bad mood swing. Team sat on the small sofa, his back facing the senior as he buried his hands in his hair trying to control the sudden change in his emotions.

What was this happening? His nightmares had stopped a year ago and he had been getting plentyfull sleep too.... Thoughts raced in his head. He really needed to study right now, he didn't have time to waste like this. It was just a small class test but he wanted to do good on it.

Team felt a heat rise up to his face, he could feel it getting red as tears formed behind his eyes. Why am I crying?!!

Win didn't know what to do when he sat up and heard Team sniffle from the sofa. He instinctively got up and sat beside Team who had his face buried in his hands.

"Team... What's wrong?" He asked softly.

Slowly Team moved his hands away from his face "I don't knoow..." He whined, slowly turning and sitting on Win's lap. His teary eyes were open just a crack, a trail of tears ran down both sides of his -now red- cheeks. His legs were on either side of the senior, stradling him.

"..... I don't feel good. I'm irritated! And angry and sad but I don't know whyy...."
Win was about to coo and hug his boyfriend but immediately stopped himself when he heard the change in his faen's voice as he said his next few words "...I could almost kill someone right now! maybe if I just tear someone apart or punch someone's damn face I'll feel better!" Win felt Team's hands form fists behind his back. The boy suddenly sounded pissed off and angry.

The fact that he had said someone and not something told Win he should probably find a solution and fast, if he wanted to live.

"W-when was the last time you ate?" He asked quickly.

Teams expression changed a little at the question "Pharm got me a sandwich in the morning, but I'm not hungry now"

Growing up with two siblings Win knew a thing or two about crappy moods and anger. His elder brother Wan always got angry and moody when he was hungry.

"Do you have anything to eat here? Like a meal?" Win questioned.

"I'm not hungry hia!"

"I know! Just tell me if you have something to eat." Win said supporting Teams thighs as he stood up. The boy automatically wrapped his arms around Win, so that he doesn't fall.

"Look in the fridge" Team said as Win turned and sat him back down on the sofa.

Win didn't have to be told twice, he hurried into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He took the first thing he saw, eggs. He and Team had been in a relationship for over a year so he knew his way around his faen's mini kitchen.

A few minutes later Win came back, he saw Team laying on the bed still clearly frustrated. "Have some na" He said holding out the plate with an omlette sandwitch on it. Team glared at him.

"Please just eat it, your hungry Team you haven't had anything since morning"

The Junior was about to snap again when he saw the back of Win's hand, it was red. Had he really hit him that hard? Feeling guilty, Team took the plate that was being offered to him.

Once he saw Team take his first bite, Win headed back to the kitchen where the second sandwitch was on the stove.

After finishing the first half Team found himself calming down. Damn, he realy was just hungry.

------(sometime later) ----

Win watched as Team scooted towards him and slowly took his hand. The boy had ended up eating 3 more sandwiches before he was happy.

"Does it hurt?" He asked guilty while rubbing the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry naa" He cooed again. Win pouted and turned the other way. A second later he felt something touch his cheek. Win froze, team had kissed him. He cursed in his head, this boy knew exactly what strings he had to pull. How could Win stay angry with him like this?!

The End

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