How dare you?

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Waan loved his brothers, though he didn't go around vocalising it, he loved Win and View, a lot. He couldn't imagine living without them, they were the reason he was still there, one of the reasons he had never given up.

All the fights with his father, all the pain, the pressure, the hurtful didn't take him down because somewhere deep inside he was scared, scared of what would happen to his little brothers if he gave up. It would crush them. He'd been in their lives from the second they were born, he couldn't do that to them.

He had to be there, to protect the two idiots, to make sure they didn't suffer like he had...... But that was all in the past!
Things were different now! His father and him rarely ever fought. He had a lovely, stupid, whiny gamer boyfriend who never missed a chance to pamper him. He and Win were now efficiently taking care of a number of their family resorts.

In the past Win would always jump in between the fights he had with his father and try to calm them down. He wanted to help his older brother and Waan could see it.

He loved Win. There wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for him, he would give his little brother both of his kidneys if needed...

But right now......

At this very moment.......

He wanted nothing more than to run the idiot over with a truck! It had been three days..... THREE DAYS since Win and Team had fought. Three days since the younger had left his and Team's appartment and come to the resort.

He didn't know the context of the fight but from what he had heard and seen it was obvious the matter wasn't serious. Both of them had fought on something trivial and had escalated it so much that now neither of them were ready to go to the other first.

"So let me get this straight, you can't call him to sort out the problem but can sulk the whole day at work because you miss him?" Waan questioned, sitting down beside Win on the breakfast table.

"I'm not sulking!"

Wan frowned at the denial "Win even the staff can sense you're in a bad mood! They're literally pulling chits every time they have to approach you for something!"

Win huffed and nommed on his toast. "Whatever, then just assign me work that doesn't involve interaction with others for now"

"Win you're overworking to distract yourself. All you've been doing since you've come is work, swim, sleep, eat and repeat" Waan scolded "I'm giving you a holiday today"

"But Hia-"

"No buts. You're on leave today, that's it. Now eat your food"

Win tried to talk Waan out of it but the other didn't budge.


Pharm speed walked through the small bustling crowds, till he reached a certain street restaurant table.

"Oi!" Sea whined as Pharm smacked the back of his head. The man turned to look at his assaulter "Pharm? Shia, that hurt oi!" He rubbed the back of his head "What are you doing here? Want to join?"

Sea yelped as he was Ae smacked his head again "Pharm doesn't drink you fool. How could you forget?"

Pharm rolled his eyes at their usual behaviour and moved to grab Team's arm, helping the drunk man out of his chair before looking back at the ABC gang "Team shouldn't be drinking either! You know he can't handle his liquor"

"We told him the same thing" Ae explained "But he kept insisting. In our defence we did try to stop him but he got mad and drank anyways."

The other two nodded in agreement "But what are you doi-"

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