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Prem unlocked the appartment when no one answered to his knocks. It was dark inside, the blackout curtains were closed shut so the only illumination entering the house was from the light coming from the hallway behind him. Weird Prem thought Boun should be home by now.

Not thinking much of it he closed the door behind him and felt for the wall, slowly heading towards the light switches a little far away. The only problem was before he reached them he felt hands pull him away and a sharp prick on his neck. The energy quickly drained from his body and everything went black.


When Prem opened his eyes he was met by a familiar celing. His mind was a haze, things didn't fit together. He blinked rapidly trying to get himself together. "Prem?.......Prem?....." He blinked again as the voice started getting clearer.

"Prem..." The voice was clearer this time, it sounded hoarse and worried. Boun.
Finally getting back his senses Prem jerked his body off the ground and scanned the room. The first thing he noticed was that he was in the living room then he saw was that Boun was tied to their chair, his wrists tied behind the chair, legs tied to the legs of the cair, there was a cut would in his head.

Immediately Prem pushed himself up to go to his boyfriend but there was a pull on his legs and he fell right back down with a painful thud. "Aaahh trying to get up were we?" A voice came from behind him. Prem turned to find his legs shackled and chained to the bar of wood in the dining table. The chain was long but not long enough for him to reach Boun. A man he didn't know wearing an orange jacket was sitting on top of the table with another standing behind him. Prem stayed silent.

The man chuckled and got off the table. "You know me and your little boyfriend Win over there were just talking about how it was a pitty that you have to die"

"I'm sorry who are you?" Prem asked as the man circled the room. The idiot hummed instead of answering "You've got the wrong house. That isn't win, his name is Boun." Prem stated, the man looked at him as he continued "If you leave now we can act like nothing happened."

Then there was a snicker and some laughing from the two men "Aw that's right he didn't tell you did he?" The other one said in a mocking tone as he walked around to squat beside of Prem, twirling a knife in his hand.

"Move away from him you fucking roach!" Boun growled, shaking the chair as he vigorously tried to free himself.

"Or what?" The man challenged grabbing Prem's shoulder and jerking him roughly towards himself. Prem didn't move his hands from the ground as he fet the cool sharp blade press against his neck. Boun was glaring at all of them but had stopped moving. "What are you gonna do? Fight me? Oh that's right your tied to a chair so you can't"

"Would you like to know whats happening here?" The man in the orange jacket asked "Should we tell him about you Boun?" He said mockingly as he ran his hand through Boun's hair."

"He has nothing to do with this. If you have the guts, untie me you fucker" Boun growled back, jerking his head away from the guys touch. The man's expression changed and he backslapped Boun accross thr face. The blow was hard enough that the chair almost lost its balance.

"HIA!" Prem yelled trying to move to him but his shackles and the man held him back. Prem let out a small yelp as he felt the blade press sharply against the side of his neck. "Stay back or I'll cut your throat open." The man growled pressing the blade down harder, cutting through his skin and drawing some blood causing Prem to wince and draw in his breath.

Boun was looking at them, trying to untie the rope from his hands as he saw the familiar dark red color, but this time it looked terrifying, this time it was against the skin of his lover.

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