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"... Another rule is that you can't move out of the bed, however you try to guilt me, getting out of the bed is a foul. If anyone gets off, the other automatically wins" The senior read aloud from the bebsite.

"Okay fine, deal but I'm person B" Team declared standing up.

Team and Win were bored so searched up couple games to play. Guilt had caught their attention, both of them were confident they would win. It had mutually been decided that the winner would get 5 wishes and could make the looser do whatever he wanted.

"Fine by me" Win smirked closing the curtains and doors properly before pausing "and no hitting!" He added. Team laughed "okay"


Win loomed over Team who was gently pushing him away. He grabbed the juniors hands and pinned then together on top of his head.

Team started with his acting "Hia! What are you doing?!"

Win ignored the question and started trailing kisses down the boy's jaw "Hia stop!" Team moved his face away attempting to free his hands but Win had them held tightly.

"Don't fight it Team" Win whispered, kissing the shell of his ear before he moved down, his tongue trailing a path from Team's ear along his jaw till his chin before he started kissing him back down his jawline. The junior felt his heartbeat quicken. Win's other hand went under Team's shirt, slowly moving up, lifting the boy's shirt in the process.

"Hia stop! Don't do this! I don't want it." Team tried squirming away from the touch, eyes wide with panic.
Again the elder didn't listen to him, he continued sending kisses down Team's neck, sucking, licking and biting while Team asked for him to stop.

"hia no! Please, get off me. Hia Win!" Team pleaded as the blonde man played with his nipples, rolling, pulling and lightly pinching the erect tissue between his fingers. Tears started to brim his eyes as Win kept planting hickeys on his neck and collar.

Suddenly Win stopped kissing him and lifted his shirt up. The second he let go of Team's hands the boy tried pulling his shirt back down but Win eventually forced it over his head and threw it on the ground, leaving Team shirtless.

"Hia no I don't want to. Please don't" Team was crying, the big tears that were brimming his eyes moments ago now flowing down, he tried to push Win's chest away again but the elder pinned his hands to his sides. Moving down Win bit Team's ear lobe causing the boy to let out a small whimper "Shhhhhhh." Win hushed him, pecking him all over his face before he reached his lips "be a good boy na Team"

"I don't want this hia, please. I feel disgusted" Tears streamed down his face and Win kissed them off.

He had to press down on the youngers wrists as Team increased the resistance, wanting to break away. It pained him to see the love of his life crying and pleading for him to let go. He felt like he was the worst person on the planet. The senior felt himself wanting to get off and comfort the younger when he looked up at him with those teary eyes.

Pushing the feeling away he forced both of the junior's hands back above his head pinning them down tightly so he only had to use one hand. Win reminded himself that this was a game.

"Ah! Hia, your hurting me!" Team whimpered, this time he wasn't lying, Win had used too much force, even now his wrists were pressed down pretty tightly, Team suspected that it might leave a mark.

Knowing his weak spot, the senior started pecking and kissing Team under his right ear as his free hand slowly slid under the band of Team's shorts.

"Mmmh...N-no, s-stop. Don't do this. Let me go" Team continued, trying to free his hands as Win started massaging his clothed member, moving his hands up and down Team's shaft.

The boy bellow him bit the inside of his cheek holding back any noises that might give him out. Team refused to loose. After a few more seconds of squirming and crying for Win to let go he stopped moving completely. Win lifted his head to see why Team suddenly stopped protesting.

That was a mistake.

He saw Team looking up at him with red eyes and trembling lips. "Your scaring me-" His voice was quavering as tears rolled down his puffed cheeks "-let me go hia...please. I'm scared." Win's heart broke at those words.

He immediately let go of Team's hands, getting off him "Guilty" He declared quickly wiping the tears from Team's cheeks as the younger slowly got up. Win heard the boy sniffle as he sat up, he absolutely hated the thought that Team may be crying because of him.

He circled his arms around the side of his faen and pulled him against himself, cradling the Junior such that Teams back was supported by his arm and his side was against Win's chest "Don't cry" Win pleaded pulling Team closer as the boy looped his arms around Win's neck and leaned his head on his faen's shoulder. Now it was Team's turn to feel bad, had he gone too far? He was just acting, he didn't want Win to actually feel that bad.

Trying to lighten up the mood Team chuckled, slowly getting his voice back to normal "I won hia, now you have to listen to 5 things I say"

Win simply pulled his head back and looked him in the eyes, his expression not giving out what he was thinking "It's okay hia I'm fine" Team cheered pulling Win's cheeks.


"Hia Win?"

Instead if responding Win looped one leg on top of Team's, still gazing in his eyes he pulled him closer and placed one hand gently on the back of his head "You can be scared of anything pao, I'll always be by your side...." Team stayed quiet "...But never, never be afraid of me na"

Team was deeply touched, Win had told him these words before too but Team had not realised how much they actually meant to his boyfriend. The senior seemed terrified by the thought that Team might be afraid of him.


"You heard me right?" Team felt like Win was trying to read his mind as he started into his eyes "Never should you be scared of me"

Not knowing what to say Team closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Win's before speaking softly "....I won't"

The End

So I'm seriously running out of ideas of what to right guys ╥﹏╥
Requests are always open, if you have something you want me to write then please drop it in the comments. WinTeam/TeamWin/PremBoun/BouPrem

Give me some oneshot ideas please 👀
I'm happy to write anything so I'm open to all story ideas!!

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