Attacked (part 1)

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"I'll be back" Team said as he excused himself from the group, not glancing back at Win.

He and Win had been invited to a museum. He didn't know the reason they chose this place as a venue but he had to admit if one payed more attention around, it was really pretty. He and Win had been married for about 5 years now.

Team was a reporter while Win worked as a detective in the department of special investigation. Win had suddenly come up to him that morning and said that he had been invited to this party by his boss and it was important they both attend. There had been a lot of arguing before Team finally agreed, but that didn't mean he was happy about it. He had made plans to go out with his college friends today, the planning had been going on for a month and Win had known about it. The only reason he was here was that it was a couple's invitation and was given directly by Win's superior.

Win watched feeling guilty as Team walked away from the group with Pharm to use the washroom. He had seen how enthusiastically Team had been planning to go with his friends today but at the last moment they both had to be here. It was his fault to be honest, he had not paid much mind before but that morning when he open the card he realised but it was a couple's invitation.

"Someone looks like they're in trouble" Ram said sipping his drink and looking a him.

Win sighed. Since Team was gone and it was only him, Ram, King, Dean and Kao standing around the table he told them what had happened.

Minutes flew by, when Win noticed one of his team members heading towards them with a smile. "Hey!" He greeted standing in the space they made for him. "Hey Mark, what's up? Why the smile?" Dean asked.

Still smiling Mark rested his elbows on the table and leaned in, "Don't look..........We got intell that someone saw a few men here who had Keith's tattoos on their arms. We have out eye on two of them right now."

"Where?" Kao asked keeping a calm expression.

Mark : "7'o clock to me. We only found only two till now but there are supposedly six." He turned to look at Win "Since you were the one who was sent on field, they know your face so be carefull"

Win nodded then froze, "Dean......"

Dean: Ya?

Win : How long has it been since Team and Pharm are gone?

Everyone's eyes went to the man as he checked the time "37 minutes. Shit! they should be back by now"

Mark: "Hey hey both of you calm. Slowly disperse and look for them, I'll go get the CVTV footage."

They nodded and casually broke apart. On the inside, Win's heart was slamming against his chest. Keith was a growing underground organisation that they were currently taking down before it got too big. Win looked around, scanning the crowd for his husband in vain.

He was scared now............. he had been searching for five minutes but there was no sign of either of them. The last person who had given them a clue about Keith's activities had been found dead the very next day. The image of the decapitated body stuffed into an empty refrigerator flashed through his mind.

He felt his phone vibrate and picked up.
Dean : hello?

Win : Did you find them?

Dean : I found pharm. He safe, said that Team got a call and headed out to talk. Go there now. Well keep looking inside.

Win : okay.

He cut the call just as Mark's incoming call flashed on the screen.

Win : Hello-

Mark : Second floor. Go to the second floor.

Win: Wha-

Mark : Shut up and listen to me. Two men took your husband to the second floor bathroom fifteen minutes ago.
Go now! Backup will be there soon. Is it clear?!

"Yes" He responded cutting the call, already speed walking towords the stairs.

Fifteen minutes. Fifteen God damn minutes was more than enough to do a lot of terrible things. Win practically flew up the stairs. Getting a hold of one of the cleaners to point hom towords the bathrooms. Win would skin them alive if they had done something to his Team. Win had to stop the image of the dead informant from flashing into his mind.

Within seconds he wad standing at the end of the Hall, outside the bathroom that had a

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐞
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐞

Sign on it. He pushed the door but it was locked, Win immediately kicked the flimsy plastic door. Being discrete could kiss his ass, he would die if anything happened to his husband. And he would take all the bastards responsible with him.

Once, Twice, by the third try the lock broke and door swung open with a boom, hitting the wall behind it.


He was in pain.... It hurt so much. Team no longer knew which part hurt more. His eyes were squeezed shut. When his call was over two men had asked for him to come with them saying that all the agents and their partners were called somewhere.

"You going to speak now?" One of them asked, taking the gag out of his mouth. After he had realised that they lied to him, he had put up a fight to get out but had been overpowered. They stuffed his mouth with a gag and took turns holding him while the other kept serving blows. They took the gag out in the between to see if would answer them but Team said the same thing every time. He had stopped struggling a few minutes ago when one of them had got frustrated and had hit his head against the toilet bowl.

He was dizzy. The hit had been so hard that he was surprised he was still concious. They had been asking him about information on which places Win had been sent to and what he (Win) knew along with several other questions. Team had told them multiple times that he didn't know. The information was confidential and not something that Win would share but they had been adamant that Team just wasn't telling it to them.

Team let out a small whimper, trying to blink his eyes open but every movement he made seemed to send his head spinning. He couldn't say if they were shaking him or his head was just spinning. It hurt. He felt nauseous. His head was buzzing loudly. He wanted to pass out, to sleep so he wont have to feel this anymore.

"I think you hit his head too hard"

"Just throw some water on him-"

Team thought he heard muffled bangs but before he could hear it again, there was a loud boom.
His eyes flew opened a crack, just enough that he could see that the door was now open. Someone called out his name. Or was it just his imagination?

He felt the man pinning him against the wall being pulled away, there were noises but he couldn't understand them, his head was still buzzing, it took all his strength not to drop down then and there.

..... 𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝

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