Bruises (1/2)

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Win gently caressed Teams hair, careful not to wake the Junior up. He had woken up about fifteen minutes ago but couldn't get himself to move in case he woke Team up. Team had his hand around Wins torso, leg on top of Win's and his cheek resting on the seniors shoulder, causing his cheeks to press against his face.

He looked so handsome, win had to stop himself from squeezing the boy. As he was enjoying the soft rythmic breathing on his neck Win noticed a purple stain on the side of Team's lip. Thinking it was food or something similar Win slowly lifted Teams face to wipe it off. When it didn't go away Win realised it wasn't food, it was a bruise. Yesterday when he had come to Teams room the boy was awake but in bed, win layed down beside him, after talking for some time they both fell asleep. He hadn't actually seen Team last night.

Team had been awoken by the movement. He squinted his eyes open and on seeing Hia infront of him, closed them back, moving closer to the warm body.



He felt a sudden small sting of pain as Win pressed the wound beside his mouth "Ssssss-" His eyes snapped open and he glared at Win.

"How did you get hurt?"

Win noticed the change in the others expression, from being pissed it went to panic thinking. "Its nothing Hia, I fell."

Win stayed silent for some time as moved a little away and got up on one arm, that's when he saw another red mark on Team's upper cheek ".... You fell? On your face. And got hurt like that? Do I look like an idiot? Tell me which position you could have fucking fallen on for that to happen!!"

Win had raised his hand and gently caressed the wound on his cheek. Team sighed, it was a stupid excuse. He brushed the senior's hand away and shifted towards him "It's nothing na Hia. Dont worry. Let's sleep now, we have an hour untill uni starts."

Win sat up, pulling a groaning Team along with him "No it's not okay now tell me how you got hurt. Did someone do it?" Team went stiff for a second before loosening up again but Win noticed it so someone had hurt him.


Win was sitting down in the small space behind the lockers of the swimming club. He had tried to persuade Team into telling him what happened but to no avail. He just wouldn't say what happened, insisting it was nothing and he could take care of it. After arguing for some time win left the apartment with a "Fine! If you don't tell me I'll find out myself!!"

Win planned in asking Pharm and Manaow about it. They were almost always with Team. If anyone knew it should be them. Since it was still early he decided to go to the pool.

He was dragged out of his thought when he heard voices coming from outside. He just stood to get out of the small space just as he realised who the owner of the voice was.

"- Please dont, just listen to me na Phi"

"Team, if he knows I know and didn't tell him Win will kill me!! He's my best friend!"

"Please dont tell him"

Win held his breath, not wanting to make a noise what were they talking about.

"Fine. I won't but if he asks me then I'm not going to lie"

"Ph- okay okay. Don't tell him if he doesn't ask. Thank you"

After some time Win heard them leaving the room. Dean knows. Later when practice started Win pulled dean to the corner with him.

"Why is Team hurt?" He asked not wasting time.

Dean paused for a few seconds "Huh... I-"

"I heard you and Team in the lockers this morning so tell me why he's hurt"

Dean sighed "He got in a fight with Mew"

"Mew?" Wins muscles tightened "His ex?"

Dean nodded. Before Win could turn around and glare at Mew Dean dragged him into the security room. He told Win to stay in place and played the footage of last evening.

Team had finished changing after practice. He was the last one to leave. He got out of the changing room to find someone standing right behind him, leaning against the wall.

Before Team could leave a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. It was Mew, Team's ex. They had not broken up on good terms.

Win tried to zoom in when Mew pulled out his phone and showed something on it to Team, but it wasn't visible. Suddenly Team pushed him away hard, Mew almost tripped on his feet but he managed to keep his balance and pulled Team by the collar punching him in the face, Team hit him back....after a few seconds of them fighting Dean's figure came running into view from the poolside apparently yelling for them to seperate.

Dean paused the clip. "What did he show him?" Win asked, Dean shrugged "They didn't tell me. You can go ask Team."

When Win came back to the pool the first thing he saw was Mew warming up by the side. He sent the Junior a glare, he didn't notice it but someone else did.

Team was looking nervous as he walked to Win. He had seen Dean drag win to the security room and now Win was glaring at Mew "Hia.."

Win turned and looked at Team with cold eyes, waiting for him to speak.
"Where were you?"

"Why don't you tell me what Mew showed you first?"

Teams eyes widened "You saw..."

Wins eyes softened a little "Ya, I did."

Win saw the nervous and ...he couldn't figure out........ Scared? Insecure? Worried? Look on Teams face.

Team sighed "You trust me right?"

"That doesn't mean you don-"

"You trust me, right? " He cut in.
Win paused for a second, scanning the other's expression "Yes"

"Then remember that hia. I won't do anything to hurt you. I'll tell what happened afterwards in the dorm"

Win hesitated but eventually gave in "okay."

To be continued.......

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