April fools

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Boun cursed in anger and irritation as he parked his car in the parking and strode out, towards the door of his mansion.

It was the first of April. Every year Boun had managed to prank one of his friends and this year he had decided to prank Prem. He had told Prem's gaurds to leave the man alone for two minutes when he went out shopping that day. In those two minutes his people would quickly force Prem into a white van by surprise. He had ordered them that not a single scratch befall his fiance. Then they would drive him to a place that Boun had rented out, he had set up lightings and flowers and everything for the perfect date.

He knew Prem would be pissed afterwards so he had made all the possible preparations cheer him back up.
But his plan had been messed up.

Roughly an hour ago he had gotten a call from his men saying that Prem had been taken by my someone else and they were chasing behind the unknown vehicle. They sent him the recording from the car's dashcam :

Before his men could park the car in front of Prem a back minivan blocked their path. The vehicle's side door opened and some masked people came up from behind, quickly forcing Prem into the van. By the time his men left the car to help Prem the kidnappers had already fled.


A few minutes later Boun got another call saying that they had found Prem but that he was unconscious. It had taken Boun an hour to reach back home from the date site.

The doors of the manson swung open ans Boun rushed inside "Where's Prem?!"
The surprised maid pointed upstairs towards their room, before she could say anything else though Boun rushed up.

As he ascended the stairs the muffled voices from above became louder. "Ohm? Yacht? What are you doing here?" He voiced out as he entered his room and saw his friends standing in front of his and Prem's walk in wardrobe.

They turned to look at him with concern "We think Prem was drugged. Ever since he woke up he's been acting off"

"Where's Prem-" Boun was cut off when he saw the scene behind them.

Boun pushed through from between them and into his wardrobe "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DON'T!!"

Boun pushed through from between them and into his wardrobe "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DON'T!!"

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Boun and Prem's closet

Prem was laying flat on the table, shirts and jackets were layin piled up on the ground beside him. In one hand he was holding Bouns favourite jacket and the other he had scissors, Boun had entered just as he was about to make the first cut on his precious jacket.
Prem looked up at him.

He rolled over onto his stomach and sat up, throwing the jacket and scissors away in opposite directions. "BB!!" He squealed excitedly and spread his arms.

Yacht and Ohm raised their hands in surrender as Boun looked at them in shock. "Are you drunk?" He asked Prem as he came closer.

The smile from his fiance's face was gone, replaced with an offended look. When Boun near him Prem reached out and fisted a lock of his hair with both hands before pulling and pulling at it continuosly like a child. "Meanie!"

"AAHHHHHGG! PREM LEAVE MY HAIR!! PREM!" Boun groaned trying to free himself.

He cursed at Ohm and Yacht who were too busy laughing to help, hearing him caurse only got them laughing harder.

After a few seconds Prem left his hair and got off the table. "What happened to him?" Boun asked massaging his scalp.

Yacht quickly held Prem before he could run out of the room "We don't know..." Yacht started as the man in his arms struggled to get out "...he was like this since he woke up, we've taken a blood sample and sent it for analysis, the reports will be back late- AAAH PREM!"

Yacht and the others tried to free his arm as Prem happily bit down on it. The man giggled as everyone told him to let go.


Later that day......

Ohm and yacht sat facing Boun and Prem as they ate dinner. Boun was tired, his fiance and been a handful to deal with plus they had not been abe to find the people who had kidnapped and drugged Prem. When they had realised they were being chased the people had stopped the van and thrown Prem out before speeding away. His people couldn't chase behind because they had to bring Prem back to the house, plus that stupid van didn't have a licence plate on it.

Boun was thankful that at least Prem was calmer while they were eating, the man had been hyper energetic since he had woken.

Boun stopped eating and turned when he felt hands hold his arm. He smiled when he saw Prem beaming at him with bambi eyes, he had spaghetti sauce all around his lips. He looked so cute at the moment Boun almost forgot how irritating he had been the whole day.

His smile however faded when Prem buried his face in the sleeve of Bouns white shirt and started rubbing his face. He's using my shirt to wipe the sauce off Boun realised. He heard Ohm and Yacht laughing from the other side.

That's it.


Ohm and Yacht went rolling to the ground in laughter. To Boun's surprise Prem joined them.

"What on earth is happening" Boun asked confused.

No one answered him, they were all busy clutching their stomachs and laughing. Bouns eyes widened win realisation when he saw Prem and the others hold onto the table and stand up "YOU CHEATERS!"

Prem wiped a tear from his eye as he tried to get his breathing under control ".... Ah... April Fools BB"

The End

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