Baby Win (2)

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While team was making their dinner Win decided to explore Team's dorm room. He had been there millions of times, sure, but with his new body everything was an adventure.

He went walking, stumbling and running around. Trying to climb the bed or chairs, grabbing whatever he could get his little hands on.

Win was so into his new adventure spree that he didn't notice Team stealing glances amd pictures of what he was doing. He definitely hadn't seen Team hiding his laughter when he fell off the bed twice, right on his ass.

Soon, dinner was ready and set, Win ran to the table. Team slapped his hand away lightly when Win reached out to grab his plate. "Wash your hands first" He said, smiling.

Win glared. Knowing well what Team actually wanted. Following him to the basin, Win glared again as Team smirked down at him. Team raised his brows, waiting.
Groaning, ready to plan revenge, Win lifted his arms up and went on his tip-toes "aaah. Uppies"

Satisfied, Team swooped down and picked him up, helping him wash his hands.

While eating, Team asked Win what and all he wanted to do in the next three days and the toddler eagerly ranted his list. Park. Play. Bouncy castle. Kid's zone. Outside. Have fun with Team.


After Team cleaned up dinner (and Win who had food all over himself), he flopped down on his bed, excited to play the temporary games he had been gifted.
Win on the other hand was not so excited about that, in his new body, he couldn't use the controller and as a result couldn't play. Leaving him bored while Team played on.

Win resorted to continue running around and jumping on the bed. He fell down various times but wasn't hurt, not hurt enough to stop anyways.
As the jumping bunny laded on the bed again, he felt the sheets slip under him. Win's eyes widened as he felt himself fall. He was going to land face first on the floor.

"Hmp!" The air was almost knocked out of him as he felt his clothes tighten, the next second he was being pulled back and landed on the soft bed, with a soft poof .

He felt Team (who had caught his onsie on time and pulled him back) pulled him to his feet on the matress, turning him around in all directions as if to make sure he wasn't hurt. Once he was satisfied, his boyfriend glared at him.

"Hia,You could have gotten seriously hurt na!" He lightly flicked the child's forehead, making Win squeal and hold it protectively. "No more jumping on the bed" Team ordered "Bad boy!"
He then picked Win up and placed him down.

Win gave a big pout, rubbing his head. Anger started boiling in his little body. He couldn't control the rage of emotions inside him, he felt sad, angry, scared and furious all at the same time.

How could team hit me? I didn't trip wantedly, it was a mistake. I was scared too! I was scared and Team scolded me. He called Win a bad boy. It wasn't my fault! Team is the one not playing with me, what am I supposed to do?
Team doesn't like me anymore?

Hot tears boiled their way out of his eyes, startling Team. Not able to hold back any longer, Win burst out crying.

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