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Win was sitting on his bean bag, reading one of his text books.

He and Team had been in a relationship for a year now, it had started as a crush but before they knew it they had already fallen in love...

Before meeting Team, Win couldn't have cared less about other people, he used to be indifferent to everyone exept his close friends and family. He had been so sure his walls were up high and strong........ That was untill a certain raven haired junior broke them with a single glance, walking right into his heart and settling down there like he had always owned the place.

Team felt so familiar to him from the very first time Win met him, like someone who he once cherished but now his mind had forgotten but his heart had not.

Win was the middle child, between his older brother Wan and younger brother Tee, he felt like he had to do things in order to get their parents attention. Wan was the eldest among all their cousins, the first nephew and grandson so he automatically had everyone's attention. Tee was the youngest so he automatically had everyone's attention too. While he knew his family loved him equally, he couldn't help but feel like his brothers were looked at more.

So Win did what he could to compete, his grades got better, he joined the swim team of his school, later in 12th grade he got tattoos. While he had people's attention now, there was something still missing, he could never figure out what it was. Not until he met Team.

That was it, his heart realised. That was what was missing....who was missing. With the junior, Win was the happiest he had ever been, all his problems seemed to cower and vanish when he was with the Junior.

The morning after Team had come to Win's dorm saying he wasn't able to sleep was when Win realised how much he had fallen for the boy. Team had nightmares about his childhood trauma, he had told the senior a few times before too that there were several nights he couldn't sleep because of them and nothing seemed to help.

Seeing the same boy sleeping peacefully in his arms, coming to him at night because Win was the only one he seemed to find comfort in, the one who he slept next to peacefully made his heart flutter. Team made him feel wanted....loved...so very loved.

He looked towards the door and kept his book down on the ground when he heard the beep of the key card unlocking the door followed by footsteps. Win let out a breath and smiled as his boyfriend tiredly removed his bag and kept it to the side while walking up to where Win was seated.

Without a word Team sat on Win's lap, his side resting on the seniors chest and head resting on his shoulders as he slung his arms around Win's neck. The senior closed his eyes and placed his head on top of Team's as he pulled him closer to himself making the Junior humm in satisfaction and burry his face in the crook of Win's neck.
He felt a sudden surge of love and protectiveness flow through his body, directed towards the junior who was currently cradled in his arms.

"Tired?" Win asked opening his eyes

Team hummed again. He had early morning swim practice today because of the upcoming competition and he had a full day of classes and lectures that followed. He was drained and had dropped dead on his bed when a sudden rush of oxytocin made him want to cuddle and hug someone really bad. So Team had come downstairs, to his boyfriends room.

"I want to sleep" Team mumbled

"Get up then. Let's go to bed"

Win felt team shake his head and let out a disapproving groan "Mai!"
Win gave a short huffing smile at his faen's behavior, holding Team such that he could carry him to bed but Team let out another disapproving humm "Hia not now. Let's just stay like this for some time naa"

Win felt the warmth spread across his chest as his boyfriend nuzzled his neck lightly, sending tingles down his body. He grinned, pulling Team closer his body, cradling him as he gave a kiss on the Junior's hair. He felt so complete, so happy and satisfied at that moment. Nothing else mattered.

A small smile broke on Teams' face as he felt the same way, they were pressed comfortably against one another. Simply drowning in the others presence. Team felt himself start to sink into the darkness. He was falling asleep, the position was just too comfy not to...

The End

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