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After leaving Team in his bed, Win finds Dean, Pharm, and Manaow sitting in the university cafeteria. Pharm is handing a delighted Manaow one of his homemade breakfast pastries from the cake box in front of him.

The delicious smell wafts over Win’s senses as he reaches the table, removing the mask that Team gave him and stuffing it into his pocket.

“Team is going to be so mad he missed your pastries,” Win says.

Pharm looks up with a smile, “If he’s not coming to class today, I can pack one up for you to take back to him.”

“Why isn’t Team going to class?” Dean interjects. “He needs to keep his attendance up.”

Win raises an eyebrow, “Are you his dad?”

“Are you?” Dean shoots back. Dean must notice the glint in Win’s eye because he quickly adds, “Do not answer that.”

Win selflessly lets it go.

“The professor in his morning class has it out for him,” Win explains.

Pharm makes a sympathetic noise. “It’s the professor for our Finance module. I don’t think she's exceptionally fond of Team for some reason.”

Win humms “Team’s attendance is high enough for now that it can take the hit. ” 

Manaow shoves her bag off the bench beside her. “Sit down, P’Win.”

Win sits down a little too fast, making him wince at a slight twinge in his side.

Dean frowns, “Did you pull something at practice?” 

“I don’t think so,” Win replies, rubbing the spot, “Team’s hand did hit me in the ribs this morning.” It doesn’t feel like the pain of a bruise though, so it’s more likely hurting because he slept at a bad angle, rather than from the jab from Team.

“You probably deserved it” Deans smiles.

“Fuck you,” Win says cheerfully, “and no, he didn’t do it on purpose. He gets restless in the morning. His limbs tend to… flail uncontrollably.” 

Manaow and Pharm shoot each other a confused look. Win takes the pastry Pharm is holding out from his limp hand.

“Team was restless,” Manaow says slowly, “are you sure?”

Win stares at her over his newly acquired pastry, “Unless you know another cute swimmer who frequently steals my bed.” 

“When he sleeps over at my condo, he never moves an inch,” Pharm cuts in, gently confused. “Even when I get up to make breakfast, he’s completely still on the couch the entire time. I once used a blender for 10 minutes and he never budged.”

Manaow adds, “From past experience, Team either sleeps like he’s dead or doesn’t sleep at all. One time, he fell asleep in my dorm when all of us were supposed to be doing face masks.” She tears off a piece of her own pastry and pops it into her mouth, “I was tempted to check his pulse to see if his heart was still beating.”

Pharm nods in agreement. Win’s eyebrows furrow. Almost as long as he’s known him, Team gets restless at least a few times a month when he sleeps in Win’s room.

“Does he only do it in the morning?” Dean asks.

Win nods, perplexed.

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