Pillow (part 2) [WinTeam]

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Team had been acting wierd. When win tried asking his boyfriend if anything was wrong he would deny it, saying there was jo problem. It had all started a week ago....

When win woke up and turned to look at Team, he noticed the other side of his bed was cold and empty. He called out thinking the Junior was in the bathroom but there was no answer. Soon Win realised that Team had left while he was still sleeping.
He had never done this before. Worried he called his faen up, Team said that he woke up early when he remembered that he had english homework to do, he didn't want to disturb Win's sleep so he had left without notice....

Along the week Win noticed subtle changes in junior behaviour, he would lay on the edge of the bed when he came to sleep with Win, bringing his own pillow every night instead of using Win's like he normally did, the glances and looks he gave Win when he though the elder wasn't looking, the way he would stare into space minutes after Win flirted with him, the way Team's eyes widened and he looked away when they made sudden eye contact.

Now, Win was making his way downstairs to get his drunk boyfriend from Pharm, the Junior had gone to the club with his friends and knowing his stubborn faen, Team had probably drank past his two glass tolerence level in order to show off and ended up drunk. 

"Oi Team" Win complained as Pharm handed the drunk man over, Win supported one arm of the Junior around his neck while he held Team's body upright with his other. Win had to take a step back as Team completely leaned against him.

"Thank you na Pharm" Win said shifting his gaze to Pharm who nodded "how much did he drink?"

"I don't know what got into him phi, I tried to stop him after his third glass but this idiot hid from me and drank some more. I don't know how many he had but it must be more than 5"

Win glared at the drunk man leaning against him he was going to give Team an earful about this when he woke up tomorrow.

"Thanks again na Pharm, I'll take him and go now" Win said before the both left.


Win pulled the collar Team's shirt down as he wiped him off with a wet hand towel. Team frowned and whined at the disturbance. The senior chuckled seeing his reaction, he stopped wiping him an kneeled beside Team's face, gently brushing the hair off his forehead with his finger.

Win was admiring his sleeping boyfriend when Team groaned again and squinted his eyes open. He had to blink a few times before his brain registered the face in front of him "Hia?"

Win smiled at Team's voice, still brushing the hair away "Hmmm?"

Wins eyes widened as Team grabbed Win by the collar and pulled him close, Win resisted when he was hardly and inch from the juniors face , Team bit his lip and groaned, irritated.


"Please" Team cut him off  "I'll be a good boy, I promise. Please master"

Win froze at his words where had Team learned how to speak like that?!


The Junior stared at Win with his berly half open eyes "please~ do it like last time"

The last time they had sex was a month ago. Win caught Team's hand as it tried to slide under his shirt, Team squirmed on the bed, trying to pull Win towords himself. The senior was still confused. Had someone spiked his drink?

Worried he got on top of team, pinning the younger's hands on either side of his head "Team? Are you okay?"

Wins eyes widened again when he saw Team bite his bottom lip and felt something hard grinding against his ass.
"Mmmmh~ such a nice dream" Team moaned

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