Death of a parent

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Team looked outside desperately as a taxi neared his apartment. He had graduated six years ago, after saving up from their jobs he and Win had bought an appartment for themselves and moved in together.

Team had gone out of station for three weeks because of work. Five days ago he had a call from Win......

"Hiiii. What happened? Missing me?" Team teased as he picked up his lovers call. His playful mood and smile immediately dissolved though as soon as he heard Wins voice.

"Team...." He sounded so monotone it worried him.

"Win what happened? Is something wrong?"

"I'm at *****......"

*****? He's at his parents house? "You went to meet mae and por?"

The line was quiet for sometime before Win asnwered "Mae is gone Team. She died this morning"

Team immediately shot up from his hotel bed "What! Win?! How did this happen? Are you alone? Hia I'll try and come back as soon as possible, it's okay don't worry, I'll be there na-"

Team got out of the taxi and paid the driver, lifting his suitcase team rushed to the elevator. After that day Win had hardly picked up a handful of Team's phone calls and whenever he did their talk was already short. Team had rushed his part of the work, he had told his boss what happened and was allowed to return early.

When the elevator doors dinged open Team rushed out, going to his apartmant door he knocked rapidly. Dean had kept him informed on Win's condition but lately Win had refused to see anyone. That worried team a lot. All sorts if negetive thoughts and scenarios haunted in his mind.

When there was no answer Team started to ring the bell. The door was locked from the inside, his keys would do him no good. When he haard movement on the other side his mind calmed down a little.

"Hia. Hia it's me, open the door." He said knocking once more

The shuffles drew closer and louder a few seconds later he heard the click of the lock. Slowly the door swung open.

Teams heart broke after seeing Win, his eyes we're red and swollen as if he had just been crying, he looked weak and tired, his hair was messy and tied up in a small pony that looked days old, there were dark bags under his eyes. "Team...." His voice was low and broken.

Team immediately left his suitcase and hugged Win. "Shh.... Hia it's fine na. It's okay, it'll be okay" He whispered as the other dug his face into the crook of his neck. The second he felt warm tears fall on his skin, Team supported Win with one arm and dragged his suitcase inside with the other, closing and locking the door behind.

Win wrapped his arms around the youngers neck and hugged him tighter as he started to sniffle again. All those calls from people he had never even met before, telling his how sorry they were for his mother's loss had been painfull enough. His friends and Dean had been there for him the whole time, but he couldn't help but beel like he was burdening them after a few days. He just needed some time alone. But he also wanted Team to be there with him, beside him.

Win was confused, he didn't know what he wanted. He didn't have time to think either because every time his thought would wander to his late mother. Everything he saw reminded him of her, the memories they had together. When she had chased him around the house to get him in his school uniform as a child, her scolding him for being naughty, her hitting him after finding the test paper he had hidden in his room, her laughing when they were goofing around together, celebrating several birthdays together, the smile and joy on her face when he had been accepted into university. Her smile at the first day of his job. The several dinners and brakfast and lunch they had shared together. Each time a memory returned he would break down.

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