Baby Win

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"Hia careful, you'll drop i-"


Both of them froze as the crystal ball they just bought fell on the pathway and shattered.

Win and Team were out for a movie and had bought the ball from an old man roughly fifteen minutes ago. The sun had been setting as they were walking to the dorms and the man was struggling to get customers. Feeling bad, the couple bought a pretty crystal ball from him.

That ball now lay on the footpath in pieces.

Before either of them could react a small cloud of smoke floated up from the shattered ball and took the shape of a little floating old lady.

"You have freed me from my curse!" She exclaimed looking at the flabbergasted faces of Win and Team. "I will grant you the most recent thing you wished for as a gift! But as I am not that powerfull so the present will remain only for three days!"

The woman then closed her eyes and chanted something before aiming her hands at the two. Both the men felt a small gust of power and a little tickle in their stomach.

The little woman smiled as her appearance and smoke started vanishing. Seconds later, a small echoing "Thank you~" Is all that remained in the air, soon enough that too was gone.

Team now stood there with three bags in his arms. One of them had food and snacks, the other games and the third had a lovely amout of cash in it.

It was like a dream come true for Team he had the two things he loved and also cash, to buy more! The male's eyes however were fixated on something else..... on Win.

Win stood in front of him... In a glorious height of 2 foot something. Even his clothes had shrunk! His sweater and jeans had shrunk to the size of a toddler's, so they fit him perfectly. Win had turned into his 2 years old baby self.


"Are you sure you don't need diapers little one~" Team teased again earning a cry and a punch from Win. The boy must have put all his strength into that hit but to Team it felt like nothing.

It had taken the couple quite a few minutes to figure out what was happening. But then they soon settled into it. Three days. Team laughed. Win was going to be stuck in his toddler body for three whole days. The senior had wish to become a child again and his wish now came true.

"Aww don't hit me. Your hand's gonna hurt" Team laughed, picking a few toddler friendly food items from the shelves and keeping them in his cart. Win was sitting on the baby seat, inside the cart along with the four new toddler outfits. He was suggesting items to pick, Team wasn't actually listening to a word he was saying, he was too busy admiring Win's little baby voice.

[Chapter image is toddler Win sitting on the trolley]

Team found it adorable how a little human who's full height hardly came up to his knees, sitting on a baby seat of a shopping cart, was trying to order him on what was best to get. Everytime Win spoke, it was in that adorable little baby babble, so cute and soft.

While billing, the cashier and the lady behind Team, both gave small waves to Win. He had initially responded with a smile and waved back, but then there were more waves from other people and the lady behind them started cooing and playing peek-a-boo with him... Team was paying for the items when he felt two small hands grab his jacket and pull at it. He looked down to see Win, flushed red, tugging at Team and covering his face with Team's jacket, trying to hide inside the man. That's when Team heard the chorus of "awwwwe" 's From the people around him. He couldn't help but grin wide as the toddler dug his face into Team's abdomen upon hearing the chorus, turning almost crimson.

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