Rambles that make me swoon

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Win was fiercely protective of Team.

Protective. Not controlling. Not restricting. Not toxic. He made sure to maintain a boundary between his behavior and the later three qualities.

One example of how he maintained it was, dealing with drunk Team....

Was drunk Team a nightmare?

Did he advice Team to stop drinking?

Did Team listen?

Was he currently supporting his drunk faen up the lift?

From the handful of times Team had gotten drunk in their 3 year relationship, there were a few things Win had managed to figure. Team, mostly had one of cartain mood pairings when intoxicated :

Honest & brutal

Horny & Stupid

Silly & stupid

Annoying & a bully

Cute & happy/giggling

Flirty & Bold

Sad & Teary

Today seemed to be the first combination's chance.

"Hia have I ever told you that I'm kind of fond of that bike of yours?" Team asked, poking win's cheek with his finger.

With both his hands occupied in holding him up, Win couldn't swat the finger away and took to turning and biting it instead.

"Oww! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Team howled pulling his finger back before slapping the elder's shoulder "Bad hia! Bad hia!"

"What am I a dog?" Win laughed, moving them out as they reached their floor.

"Why?" Team suddenly grinned till his eyes were basically invisible "Do you want to be? With all those kinks you have hidden inside, I wont be surprised if it's one if them"

Win made an annoyed noise and looked down the Hall to make sure no one was listening. He quickly opened the apartment door so he could stangle his fean in peace.

Team on the other hand was smiling, poking Win's cheek again, repeating "So soft" With every poke.

He let out a lazed grunt as the air left him when Win dropped him on the bed.

"Annoying" Win emphasised, poking the drunk man's nose with his finger. Team groaned and tried to slap Win's hand but the senior was faster. Team sent him a glare before closing his eyes again.


Win had dragged Team out of bed and helped him wipe down. Knowing if he didn't, the younger would get all annoyed and moody in the morning. He changed Team and forced him to down a glass of honey - leamon water before having him use the washroom.

All the while hearing several interesting facts and being cursed. For example, till tonight, he never knew Team kissed the brocoli soft toy when he missed Win or felt lonely.... The same way he hadn't known that Team would curse out to the soft toy and bitch about Win to it when he was angry or annoyed with the senior either.

Well....everything had it's ups and downs.

By the time the AC was just right and the two were tucked into bed, Team had come into a relatively good mood. He had calmed down, the weariness from swim practice, classes, partying had finally started to settle down on him.

"Hiaa?" Team called out, Win hummed in response "I really like Pharm's food hia" Win hummed again, looking at the ceiling.

"If Pharm goes to America with his family then I won't be able to eat his food anymore" His tone sounded a little sad.

Win was silent for sone time before he turned completely towords Team and pet his hair "Then I'll learn his recipe and make it for you everyday okay?"

Team gave out a small smile "really?"


"But what about when you go to London?...... What will I do then?"

Win stopped the patts, he knew Team was rambling - half asleep - but he couldn't control how the words tugged at his heartstrings.

"Then... I'll teach you how make them before I leave so you can cook it on your own when I'm gone. You need to know how to cook too you know."

"I know how to cook hia!"

"Mmhm, but you're always too lazy to cook for yourself and keep eating unhealthy things"

"I'm not lazy hia.."


"I don't cook because then you come over to eat with me" Team mumbled, moving closer to Win.

The senior found himself smiling, Team really had his way with words when he was drunk.

"Don't worry, I'll come back from London super fast. You won't even get a chance to miss me" Win reassured, pulling Team against him and playing with his hair.


"Hmm. Now sleep."

[[ ........Twenty seconds later......... ]]



"I love you"

Win smiled "I love you too Team....with every cell in my body"


"......What why?" Win laughed

"Why do you love me like that?"

Win grinned at Team's sleep talk
"Why don't you love me like that?" He cross questioned.

But unlike his expectations it didn't irritate the younger one bit, instead he took it as a literal question.

"Because I love you with my soul hia"

Win felt his insides melt.


"Hmm" Team gave a small nod.

"Then why do you love me like that?"

Team seemed to think for a while "I love you with my soul, in case one day my mind forgets and my heart stops...."

Win wordlessly stared at Team, his eyes getting slightly moist.

"In case I die hia.... Even if I die I will still love you"

Now Win's vission was getting blurry. The genuine seriousness with wich Team had told that to him was..... moving.

"You're not gonna die Team" Win somehow managed to say without his voice quavering.

"I know hia... But just in case... I'll still love you"

Win wanted to shake Team awake, dip him in cold water and get him sober before drilling the fact into his head that till Win was alive, Team wasn't going to die! Win wouldn't fucking let him!

But before he could even get another word out Team fell asleep. He held himself back.

God he hated drunk Team!

The little shit was a nightmare! He left Win all swooning, emotional and teary eyed and himself was snoring away into dreamland!!

The End

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